Crouched astride a bike was a great place to think and he surely needed training with his July week in Iowa getting closer all the time. Carmen scooted closer to him, wondering if he heard Felipa. The intervention of this man, Heribert, compels us to turn a closer glance upon the cities of North Italy. B, Stage after closure of blastopore. The progress amongst the Arabians on this side lies in a closer adherence to their text, a nearer approach to the bare exegesis of their author, and an increasing emancipation from control by the tenets of the popular religion. Between several of these dialects it is probable that closer affinities exist. Yet a closer inquiry into the social conditions of Vico s time, and of the studies then flourishing, shows him to have been thoroughly in touch with them. 18 examples: Afterwards, we discuss approaches bearing a closer relation to our work. Tug... the closer she got to the barn, the braver the wild dogs got. 's overtures to follow him in his religious policy. Jackson always pulled her closer and crooned, "I already have all I could ever wish for, and more than I deserve, right here.". The closer it gets to our wedding day, the more desperate he gets. he demanded, lowering his sword and pacing closer to her. Nothing I could do could ever come close to entitlement spending. Closer examination, however, shows that if the prevailing slopes are not more than a few inches in the mile, yet they do exist, and scientific irrigation requires that the canals should be taken along the crests and drains along the hollows. The boy crept closer to her, and she sought some subject to discuss that would calm him. One step closer in a sentence - Use "one step closer" in a Moreover, the Szechuen jumping-mouse differs from the typical Zapus by the closer enamel-folds of the molars, the shorter ears, and the white tail-tip, and is therefore made the type of another sub-genus. Besides this, all their evidence is but approximate, often only stating quantities to a half or quarter of the amount, and seldom nearer than 5 or 10%; hence they are entirely worthless for all the closer questions of the approximation or original identity of standards in different countries; and it is just in this line that the imagination of writers has led them into the greatest speculations, unchecked by accurate evidence of the original standards. I'll try my luck closer to the seashore where the scenery is as fair as the little ones I seek. 140. How to use closure in a sentence. 2. a person adept at completing a business deal, an assignment, etc. His arms pressed her closer, his smooth lips seeking hers in ardent pleasure. a relief pitcher who specializes in pitching the final innings … 3. attempted to make head against these troubles, partly by renewing the old alliance with Damascus, partly by drawing closer to Manuel of Constantinople. Partly in consequence of the serious economic situation the renewed movement for the closer union of the various South African colonies, formally initiated by Dr Jameson in 1907, received the support of the Cape parliament. That's not right! He had a bowl in one hand and pulled the ottoman closer, seating himself close to her. If a mass of living plant-tissue is cut, the first change observed is one of color: the white flesh of a potato or an apple turns biown as the air enters, and closer examination shows that cell walls and contents are alike affected. noun. They drew up closer to the fire and felt thankful that they were safe from the raging storm. But these two sections of Protestantism, in their common exile and in presence of the preponderating Roman Catholicism of the country, seemed at first inclined to draw closer together than had been thought possible in Great Britain. Baseball. Are the goats staying closer to the house? During the 17th there was only indecisive skirmishing, Schwarzenberg waiting for his reinforcements coming up by the Dresden road, Blucher for Bernadotte to come in on his left, and by some extraordinary oversight Giulay was brought closer in to the Austrian centre, thus opening for the French their line of retreat towards Erfurt, and no imformation of this movement appears to have been conveyed to Blucher. The miracles connected with the beginnings of the national history - the period of the Exodus - appear on closer inspection to have been ordinarily natural phenomena, to which a supernatural character was given by their connexion with the prophetic word of Moses. Indeed, her whole body is so finely organized that she seems to use it as a medium for bringing herself into closer relations with her fellow creatures. Even through the black water, he could see the green souls at the bottom. The occasional occurrence of three or even four pollen-sacs on the stamens of the recent species affords a still closer agreement between the extinct and living types. Generally, however, the former implies a closer relation than a guarantee; and the two relations may be widely different, as may be seen by comparing treaties of guarantee with the treaty establishing the protectorate of Tunis. Well, now we're even closer to having a full house. 2. When it didn't fling her, she moved closer and gripped a low branch. Across the room, Darian shifted closer to the battle, one hand rubbing the back of his head. Dron on the contrary retired to the rear and the crowd drew closer together. Closure sentence examples. Beaton was one of King James's most trusted advisers, and it was mainly due to his influence that the king drew closer the French alliance and refused Henry VIII. Austria consented to a new organization of Germany without the participation of the empire of Austria,~ consented to the closer union to be founded by the king of Prussia to the north of the Main, and to the German states south of the Main entering into a union, the national relations of which with the North German Confederation were to be the subject of an ulterior agreement between the two parties; by Article III. She stood and leaned closer to study the track. The conflicts, which may at first sight seem to be merely between rival generals, are seen upon closer examination to be mainly (r) between the privileged classes, i.e. Memon waved him away, and Sirian inched closer to the king with a small smile. Close sentence examples. Her fingers slid off the phone, pushing it closer to the edge. Perhaps a closer approximation would be to rate the creole element (whites of European descent) at 10%, as in Colombia, and the mixed races at 70%, the remainder consisting of Africans, Indians and resident foreigners. She started to saw at them with the knife. From 1881 to 1883, under the two Liberal administrations of Sagasta and Posada Herrera, the foreign policy of Spain was much like that of Canovas, who likewise had had to bow to the kings very evident inclination for closer relations with Germany, Austria and Italy than with any other European powers. All Rights Reserved. Hot-wire ammeters are open to the following objections: The scale divisions for equal increments of current are not equal in length, being generally much closer together in the lower parts of the scale. Jonny stayed after their father's death, while she moved closer to her mom on the west coast. These are the principal English historical writers for the middle ages; but as the connection between England and the continent grew closer, and international relations developed, an increasing amount of light is thrown on English history by foreign writers. Comparing this time with the experimental value of the time occupied by the cordite in burning, a start is made for a fresh estimate and a closer approximation. She cowered closer into the security of his strong arms. Learn Ludwig. In the terrible "famine of St Luke" in 1835, Selassie still further won the hearts of his subjects by his wise measures and personal generosity; and by extending his hospitality to Europeans, he brought his country within the closer ken of civilized European powers. The resemblance between these curves is much closer than that between the Bureau Central's own winter and summer curves. 2. This I am sure will occur if he is to guess my condition, which grows more noticeable as my time draws closer. Taran drew her closer, pressing her body between his and the alley. But within the larger union the inner and closer union between Holland and Zeeland continued to subsist. Removing his hands from the wall, he placed them on her shoulders, pulling her closer. Closer in a sentence 1. 19 examples: The positive effect of states' incentives to deviate on the likelihood of… In the case of Pythagoras, conspicuous among pre-Socratic philosophers as the founder not merely of a school, but of a sect or order bound by a common rule of life, there is a closer connexion between moral and metaphysical speculation. Xander stared after her then crept closer to his mother. The distant beat of a helicopter's wings drew closer as they raced away from the mountains. 2 … Closer akin to certain Western forms of dissidence from traditional Catholicism, though of native growth, are the Molokani or Molokans, so called popularly because they continue to drink milk (moloko) during fasts. 13); but the two nations seem to have drawn closer in the time of Solomon. But the date can be determined between closer limits. Furious at the latest trick from the Immortal underworld, Katie sawed furiously at the root, until her arm ached. Her heart pounded wildly as she pressed closer. There would be time enough to panic closer to the end of the tour. He inched closer to Sirian's horse but said nothing. The stamens of the wheat plant may frequently be seen protruding beyond the glumes, and their position might lead to the inference that cross-fertilization was the rule; but on closer examination it will be found that the anthers are empty or nearly so, and that they are not protruded till after they have deposited the pollen upon the stigma. Betty began to cry and held Dean all the closer. She moved a step closer to me. Keeping his hands on her waist, he pulled her closer. The voice was closer, from a different direction. 379. "I love you," he said, taking a step closer and pulling her into his arms. 4. His conquests to the west and north-west led him among the Mongols of the Caspian and to the banks of the Ural and the Volga; 1 The pastorals in this aspect are closer to Clemens Romanus than to Ignatius. A closer scrutiny of the writers of all ages who preceded Charles Darwin, and, in particular, the light thrown back from Darwin on the earlier writings of Herbert Spencer, have made plain that without Darwin the world by this time might have come to a. F o i Notwithstanding the efforts of the Poles and the Military Orders to exclude Russia from the shores of the Baltic and keep her in a state of isolation, she was coming slowly into closer relations with central and western Europe. The Bond, on its side, sought to draw closer to Het Volk, the Boer organization in the Transvaal, and similar bodies, and at its 1906 congress, held in March that year at Ceres, a resolution with that aim was passed, the design being to unify, in accordance with the original conception of the Bond, Dutch sentiment and action throughout South Africa. The closer she got, the stronger she felt him. Megan opened her eyes as the lady beside her leaned closer. Closure definition is - an act of closing : the condition of being closed. He moved closer, taking the pillow from her hand. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. The thump of the helo returned, this time much closer. 88. The red planet beneath her was drawing closer. His kingdom was honeycombed with Christianity, and he wished to draw closer to the West, where he foresaw the victory of the new faith, in order to fortify his realm against the Sassanids of Persia. But if we assume that he was the aboriginal Hellenic High God, we must be quite ready to admit that the separate communities were always liable to cherish other divinities with a more ardent and closer devotion, whether divinities that they brought with them or divinities that they found powerfully established in the conquered lands, Athena or Hera, for instance, in Attica or Argolis, or Poseidon in the Minyan settlements. ', With such thoroughness have the compilers given effect to their views that only on closer examination is it found that even at a relatively late period fundamentally differing traditions still existed, and that those which belonged to circles which did not recognize the Exodus have been subordinated and adjusted by writers to whom this was the profoundest event in their past.'. 51 "He's not in the closet," Toby said, then laughed. He set the iPad he carried on a totaled machine a few feet away without coming closer. Father and son couldn't have been closer than Alex and Jonathan. She watched, fascinated, as the storm crept closer. bone Gerald Brenan once stated that we are closer to the ants than to butterflies, in … Closer study showed an occasional comma and apostrophe. Clutching her light jacket closer, she turned toward the house. click for more sentences of come closer: 6. : One of the EU's main arguments for the closure of the old reactors was the lack of a protective encasement around them. Another rustling followed, this one much closer and to the left of their trail. Closer definition is - one that closes; especially : a relief pitcher who specializes in finishing games. It is possible, indeed, that he has an even closer connexion with this letter, and some scholars (e.g. The second was closer to Han's age with midnight hair and eyes. He took a step closer and his brows came down. "Carmen?" She shifted closer, gasping when the root healed the cuts she'd just made. The rivalries of the mainland cities were continued at closer quarters inside the narrow circuit of the lagoons, and there was, moreover, the initial schism between the indigenous fisher population and the town-bred refugees, and these facts constitute the first of the problems which now affronted the growing community: the internal problem of fusion and development. 7. use "closer" in a sentence My sister Liane was able to form a closer bond with my dad than I was ever able to establish. A relief pitcher called upon to protect a lead late in a game. Nevertheless, on economic as well as political grounds, the leaders of both parties in the Transvaal were prepared to consider favourably the proposals put forward by Dr Jameson at the close of 1906 for a closer union of all the self-governing colonies, and the first direct step to that end was taken at an inter-colonial conference held in May 1908. 5. Rhyn stepped closer to his old cell, hating it and the fact his friend was trapped in it. Each day brought them closer to the time he would be riding away permanently. In the distance and getting closer I heard the sound of police sirens and in minutes two cruisers pulled into the driveway. His suite, not having expected this, involuntarily came closer to him. With regard to birds and land shells the relation is much closer to the Comoros species, and the latter, of which I have collected seven species besides Rachis aldabrae, may serve to point out more than the birds the land connexion of Aldabra with the neighbouring countries.". The revelation thus looked for may be found in natural omens, in the priestly lot or some similar sacral oracle, or, finally, in the words of a seer who is held to be in closer contact with the deity than common men. Carmen stared up at him as he stepped closer. This project of closer union met, however, with much opposition both at Buenos Aires and the provinces. The still air became more charged the closer they got to the center of the storm, the sky darker. 23. Examples of Closure in a sentence. (2 points) a saltier b more acidic c more neutral d - 23347362 Show More Sentences Bratton might have said something that was closerto a real-world moral equivalence. At Florence the pope came into closer contact with the humanists, and to this circumstance is due the gradual dominance which they attained in the Roman Curia - a dominance which, both in itself, and even more because of the frankly pagan leanings of many in that party, was bound to awaken serious misgivings. 23 examples: Our findings here suggest that this topic merits closer attention. "I was up at the park, looking for you," he answered, holding her closer. 1. She scooted closer to him, frightened and yet intrigued. We will pay them a closer visit. ), a "man of God," that is one who stood in closer relations to God than ordinary men; "all that he said was sure to come to pass," so that he could be consulted with advantage even in private matters like the loss of the asses of Kish. With the others churches of the Anglican Communion the archbishop's relations were cordial in the extreme and grew closer as time went on. she asked skeptically. How about putting the sofa closer to the window? In 1856, at the very time when " border ruffians " were drawing their lines closer about the doomed town of Lawrence, Kansas, Sumner in the Senate (May 19-20) laid bare the Crime against Kansas.". Her heartbreak was in her voice, and he squeezed her closer to him. In June 1754, in pursuance of a recommendation of the Lords of Trade, a convention of representatives of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland met here for the purpose of confirming and establishing a closer league of friendship with the Iroquois and of arranging for a permanent union of the colonies. She moved closer, seeking his lips again. Ginger jumped back with a scream, but the others who were closer simply laughed. She hauled the smaller woman closer to shore. Draw/Pull your chair a little closer. The central nervous systems of Limulus and of Scorpio present closer agreement in structure than can be found when a Crustacean is compared with either. It can only be said that their organization, so far as the state of their preservation permits it to be ascertained, offers closer analogies with the Hydrozoa, especially the Calyptoblastea, than with any other existing group of the animal kingdom. come a little closer in a sentence - Use "come a little closer" in a sentence 1. Her in case the unseen threat attacked, hands on his otherwise lean.. The destination was closer to Rome answered, holding her closer and rubbed one bare foot with the usage. Following are Central and call for closer settlement killed demons to protect a late! Approaches bearing a closer network of streams, supplemented by canals and lakes robe closer boy crept closer coming. Closer at the sides and back, it 's closer to the edge his. Drew closer as time went on the west coast they became little ones I seek to being.! The more her body hummed the top and clutched her coat closer and smiled to... 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