ol8E4lQtcdDyHdklOH+0cv8A7ldW/wDYNn9ySlftHL/7ldW/9g2f3JKV+0cv/uV1b/2DZ/ckpX7R saved saved 2012-05-04T23:41:50-05:00 The issues associated with these concerns should be addressed fully. 2 JJyVRT/p+mf5lv8A6SSUqKf9P0z/ADLf/SSSlRT/AKfpn+Zb/wCkklKin/T9M/zLf/SSSlBtJMC7 TqsyLMu2xtrRDHA7Q0eDWcQozOTJEcW6PEvt6TmPfAvLGGGtG1x4iYkIH1hkhUJW5fXM9vUbLMgB 6x/mn/0okpXpdB/8rusf5p/9KJKV6XQf/K7rH+af/SiSlel0H/yu6x/mn/0okpXpdB/8rusf5p/9 biotechnology. Let’s just say it’s more invasive when compared to the traditional selective plant breeding practiced by farmers. Adobe InDesign 7.5 Climate Change and Coffee; Effects and Solutions. in agriculture. /wC4mH/nu/vSUr7T9cP+4mH/AJ7v70lK+0/XD/uJh/57v70lOxQbjRWcgNbcWNNjW6tD49wHlKSk /wByer/9sf8AqZJSvXzf+5PV/wDtj/1MkpXr5v8A3J6v/wBsf+pklK9fN/7k9X/7Y/8AUySlevm/ xmp.iid:2A086A28082068118083E675FE310A09 rbk/vs/zD/6USUrbk/vs/wAw/wDpRJStuT++z/MP/pRJStuT++z/ADD/AOlElK25P77P8w/+lElK /;/metadata xmp.iid:4343D685082068118C14E7613E29BC9F w6Z/nH/yCSler9a//LDpn+cf/IJKV6v1r/8ALDpn+cf/ACCSk+Dd9YBl1/b83p78ef0janHedDG2 2012-05-04T23:56:02-05:00 xmp.iid:4743D685082068118C14E7613E29BC9F 2012-05-10T19:53:14-05:00 2012-05-10T19:53:17-05:00 PqWyNuO3FyacsYzx7nnVx/d8Us/MjFFZGBJZ9Tw8nIt9OpoFbBAjuqMOYrUsxgGoeg3SBuHqFpdt /Q9V/wC3f/UaSlfZ+pf6Hqv/AG7/AOo0lK+z9S/0HVf+3f8A1GkpX2fqX+g6r/27/wCo0lOn9X2Z MjsyMjIyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7OztAQEBAQDtAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA /;/metadata To create medically valuable synthetic proteins more economically, and in sufficient quantities. SfxLVdlKhXZaA9M57ZAJg+Khpe5XU9+MdzBuY89+0qWGqDo0PtNdktBE9wnrWvax27ewxCchGLYM xmp.iid:6FED45F0072068118083908B6000E509 /;/metadata /;/metadata 50 Facts on Water Pollution you need to know! saved Adobe InDesign 7.5 KV9iyf8AuB1P/wBjB/6USUr7Fk/9wOp/+xg/9KJKV9iyf+4HU/8A2MH/AKUSUr7Fk/8AcDqf/sYP Production of Somatic Hybrids 4. xmp.iid:B2073C7F0D2068118A6DB60999FA8BCE saved xmp.iid:67DE37830E2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 Biotechnology doesn’t only make plants be more resistant to worsening climate change but literally makes them better. 2012-05-04T23:32:49-05:00 U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). QiMkFVLBYjM0coLRQwclklPw4fFjczUWorKDJkSTVGRFwqN0NhfSVeJl8rOEw9N14/NGJ5SkhbSV Adobe InDesign 7.5 The higher amount of beta-carotene was finally able to fulfill the Vitamin A requirements in developing countries with populations which have rice-based diets, which was necessary since Vitamin A deficiency leads to blindness. FOQ0WSG33nHAMHUObEnySU87+zem/wDldg/+5F//AJJJSv2b03/yuwf/AHIv/wDJJKV+zem/+V2D difficult to make a firm decision if we should embrace the use of Biotechnology saved 8KP/AGJd/wClUlK/YP1J8KP/AGJd/wClUlK/YP1J8KP/AGJd/wClUlNhv1Q+rL2h7MUOa4AtcLbS /;/metadata X7T9cP8AuJh/57v70lK+0/XD/uJh/wCe7+9JSvtP1w/7iYf+e7+9JSvtP1w/7iYf+e7+9JSvtP1w K+5n9ySlfsPqP/lxlfcz+5JTf6fiX4dTq78qzLc524PtABAjj2pKbSSlJKUkpSSlJKa+bl/YqfW9 /;/metadata 2012-05-31T00:32:28-05:00 When you go onto applying these scientific techniques in the field of agriculture, this is known as Agricultural Biotechnology. AFVCSny3/F3/AOKXG/4uz/qCg5fKfzz60i6jzv1iycKnNY3J6vkdOcagRTS17mkbn+/2tOvb5JKc Believe it or not, genetic engineering can also alter the taste of food products. /;/metadata Ensure a Sustainable Green Future with Environment Buddy! 2012-05-07T21:15:26-05:00 /;/metadata u9wkEyR4aIBTkftHF/8AKHI/9hh/cjXipX7RxP8AyhyP/YYf3JV4qV+0cT/yhyP/AGGH9yVeKlft xmp.iid:4B43D685082068118C14E7613E29BC9F aavc4BzntawTA9xjUoGfQdWKZt6Vn1AdmwxlwY9hBdvHsiddsa6KSWGhoUDVu3f4sum30OcM61tz What happened with cotton and corn was that the DNA of a naturally insect-killing organism, Bacillus Thuringiensis was introduced into their DNA. azLA34cgx4okilSHC72HhGGUis32WD2gmIjUu+AUWM8c6a9Xq6H1uwuoXNb1O0Wfq1bWOa5sAa/S xmp.iid:80AEFFDF072068118C14E7613E29BC9F saved Adobe InDesign 7.5 xmp.iid:06DEB7350E2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 /;/metadata xmp.iid:F87F117407206811822AD1646486596E /;/metadata xmp.iid:2829CDE4072068118083BA47D5F875E1 This way, the whole plant is insect-resistant rather than just the part where the insecticide is applied. 256 r1PrT/o+lf8AT/8AJJKS4z/rQb2bq+m7Nw9Q1b9wbPu2+7mElO8kpSSmu/8A5Qp/4m7/AKqhJT5b USDA concerns itself with the fact that the new gm crops are safe to grow in farms. y1o/9xrv/SaSl257A4F3VKCJ1H7OdqP+20lPYYt1GRj13Y2tT2gs9pbp/VcAQkpKkprv/wCUKf8A 9o2/4MODDEe74JJQ/VbqLcLNi10V2aT4FRZRYXxkQ98wPyGSH+1wncqp3WT3WyTZVW1tY3AckoAa /ekpNh3/AFmdksbnY2MzHJPqOre4uAg8AnxSU6ySlJKa7/8AlCn/AIm7/qqElPlv+Lv/AMUuN/xd uuid:2778030c-3497-8043-84dd-b1104a96f47c saved xmp.iid:4943D685082068118C14E7613E29BC9F /;/metadata 2012-05-05T00:07:26-05:00 6UlK+xY3/wA7Fv8A26UlMmYlFb22M+rNoc0hzT6p0I1SU9g0ktBIgkSR4JKXSU13/wDKFP8AxN3/ Biotechnology looks into the processes of nature in plants, living beings and organisms, only to implement scientifically proven methods to develop new (maybe better) products out of them. saved 0ZCPp3ZBci9Oa7zFIx2n2+5ndv3KrDjj4skuXmBs7H1ZwOj9Mu+29Wyaxku/majJ9Ke5MRuV/Hwx 2012-05-28T11:56:03-05:00 Adobe InDesign 7.5 76i/VN73WO6dWXP+kdz9Y/tpcICatZv1E+qTDLenVg/1n/8Ak0qCKCQfUv6sAyMBn+c//wAmhwhX /;/metadata /;/metadata This involves using scientific techniques to modify the genetic material (gene) of plants, animals and microorganisms in order to obtain a desired trait in a modified organism or species. growing ‘organic’ are recommended to and make use of applying the natural aVdyabLsZDzeB9cOq4OS31ciy+j6LqrHFzdvlPCbE0qRelr6lj5zd9ZBFgkA9laiQRo15WC2qXl7 EPA ensures if the product has any implications on the environment. /;/metadata 2012-05-31T00:33:22-05:00 2012-05-28T11:56:46-05:00 The use of biotechnology in animal agriculture is mostly driven by but not limited to the growing populations and its growing demand, limitations of conventional breeding, and increasing antibiotic resistance of diseases. 2012-05-04T23:51:01-05:00 /;/metadata /;/metadata QkpX2fH/ANEz/NCSlfZ8f/RM/wA0JKV9nx/9Ez/NCSlfZ8f/AETP80JKV9nx/wDRM/zQkpX2fH/0 xmp.iid:2E086A28082068118083E675FE310A09 FDA has the highest authority in deciding if the agricultural product can come into the markets, because it tests if the product is safe for the consumers to eat. xmp.iid:5AA511D50B2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 gWvk3VX9Q9z9hyQLGg8F7Rtd+CllEZ2LW2hnh9TrA18sJ1g6FQZYSx6ApNNLp2a3p2a24WFoJiwN 2012-05-05T00:09:41-05:00 2012-05-07T21:17:50-05:00 Adobe InDesign 7.5 kElK+39K/wDnlzP8yz/yCSlfb+lf/PLmf5ln/kElNzpN+FldQprxuu5WVYDv9F7Xhrw3UglzQElP With reduced use of pesticides, there is reduced pesticide residues on food products and reduced leeching of pesticides into the groundwater and nearby rivers and lakes. As i was discussing before in the section of increased nutritional value about how recombinant dna technology was used to activate and increase the amount of beta-carotene in what came to be known as ‘golden rice’. AMv+p/51n/kUlK+3dE/8v+p/51n/AJFJSvt3RP8Ay/6n/nWf+RSU9f0/Ox+oY/rYxcWtOw7wWukA saved insecticide externally. xmp.iid:0A801174072068118A6DB60999FA8BCE 2012-05-04T23:45-05:00 /;/metadata ALDD+5KvFSv2jif+UOR/7DD+5KvFSv2jif8AlDkf+ww/uSrxUr9o4n/lDkf+ww/uSrxUodSxWkEd /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.5 2OrLo4naRMSmZLGoVszb1zqJzclmZkW2ua5jw573EksnaXEnUtnREixa7Qattv1mz7b/ALQ2+37Q /SqSlfaG/wDc7I/9g2/+lUlK+0N/7nZH/sG3/wBKpKV9ob/3OyP/AGDb/wClUlK+0N/7nZH/ALBt AAIRAxEAPwDkLrnYuObqgA9oEGPHRBy+UJ95CzNs6njX03AFzay9sDu0hN6utdhsUtY6lthEy0FR Adobe InDesign 7.5 fa/qL/3BzP8AOH/pdJSvtf1F/wC4OZ/nD/0ukp7L6vvwbOkY7+mMfVinf6bLNXD3v3T7nfnT3SU6 2012-05-07T22:04:51-05:00 h2KWlu6QIB7nsoC5vKfzyfp9Wz062Hc58NbXzqfAqGZLqgRJ2ei6dXVk9L6lGLTlW476ag3Ju9Cq The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) also suggested that in herbicide-tolerant soybeans there were minor increases in profit margins and crop yields but the use of herbicides had decreased significantly. xmp.did:01801174072068118A6DB60999FA8BCE These terms are newly assigned to the process since the practice of genetic modifications has been around for centuries since cross-breeding always results in a genetically modified offspring which is genetically modified in contrast to the parents. approved by USDA to be sold commercially are: The highest production is of cotton, ‘Bt’ corn and soybeans that are resistant to Glyphosate. xmp.iid:60B828690F2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 It replaces an active ingredient calf-rennet used in cheese-manufacturing processes. /;/metadata saved Adobe InDesign 7.5 uTT/ANuN/vSU139QwPt9J+00x6NuvqN/ep80lP8A/9k= TySmF3thxeu2Otta55LWu+jPEJ+CPZGgbHSevZ3T8d+HjvaW2/RLhq0nSQrwnQ2WbOrnZFfo49r4 xmp.iid:F51FBF90072068118083BA47D5F875E1 vklridv7zg4kkpKdNJSklKSU13/8oU/8Td/1VCSny3/F3/4pcb/i7P8AqCg5fKfzz60i6iklKSUp Kb/RcjoVXUaxiXZ1l1ksa2/cWa+MhJT1SSnK+sZwRgs/aD766vVEHGnfu2v5idIlJTze/wCrP/cj /;/metadata 2T/5JJSv+d2B/wBxsz/tk/8AkklK/wCd2B/3GzP+2T/5JJTr417crHryGBzW2tDw14hwB8QkpKkp Micro-propagation 2. e/kOqA/P/lJcEeyKeE/xd/8Ailxv+Ls/6gouXyn88+tIuo8r9aun4GV1CuzK6q3AeKWtFRaXSNzz xmp.iid:FEDDB7350E2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 saved 2012-05-04T23:46:33-05:00 VszLbB+jLMO01+3V0uB0SU432TJ/7idY/wDYkJKV9kyf+4nWP/YkJKV9kyf+4nWP/YkJKV9kyf8A 7hJTR+sVeJZhMbmYV3UGeqCKscOLg7a/3nY5pjt80lPPfZehf/O51H/Nu/8ASiSlfZehf/O51H/N /;/metadata 2012-05-07T21:26:55-05:00 saved 2012-05-07T22:01:17-05:00 2012-05-04T23:56:11-05:00 pN3Ena11gAk8D2pKY/buif8Al/1P/Os/8ikpX27on/l/1P8AzrP/ACKSlfbuif8Al/1P/Os/8ikp Application # 1. bRSpVNjB6s/Nv9F2Fk4w2l2++va3SNJ8UCFOgkpSSkbv6Qz+o/8AKxJT5n9Q/wDxQ4//ABdn/UFO However, some farmers who insist on 2012-05-31T00:25:05-05:00 jUw3iSkpD1h2U3GacTLqwn+oJsvALSId7Ru7pKcf1utf+XuD/m1pKV63Wv8Ay9wf82tJSvW61/5e Toie70v1We67oVDiSXNLhr5HhMyfMujs6Njm7SHagiCmhc5t5YwRZq397yUg1WuTk15uNjvDmM6j 2012-05-04T23:52:03-05:00 xmp.iid:7EAEFFDF072068118C14E7613E29BC9F 2012-05-04T23:37:26-05:00 saved However, there are many ‘heritage’ collection sites in USA where different seed varieties from all around the world are stored to ensure food security. xmp.iid:71ED45F0072068118083908B6000E509 0MnqmJVYaX2S8ctAJIUkcZIQZAN+nplj4fe7Y067W6uTDNNNyqmjGYWUtDQdXEak/EpupUsb66GF This means the nutritional value of many other food crops could possibly be increased using recombinant dna technology. Glyphosate is a herbicide that kills almost every plant that gets in its way, but the presence of the glyphosate resistance gene in the soybean DNA allows the farmers to openly spray glyphosate over the farmland without any harm to the crop. saved dLZzOV/nX1BNdNzup9QGO8Yz8C/NY5oeTVX6jOTofPREBTQ/aOJ/5Q5H/sMP7kq8VK/aOJ/5Q5H/ 6Elz/wDySPtR7KR3/U/6t5IaL8Fj9n0Zc/T/AKadGIjsigwH1J+qw46ezT+U/wD8mnCRCOAJH/VH Adobe InDesign 7.5 Analyzing the population graphs, a food crisis is inevitable by 2050 as there will be a 70% higher demand of food. Adobe InDesign 7.5 /;/metadata CF3/AFO+rT/pYLD/AGn/APk0hCIRwBNifVjoWDY23ExG1PaZa4OdIPzclwRXgkbN/IxaMqs1Xt3M Adobe InDesign 7.5 … xmp.iid:2029CDE4072068118083BA47D5F875E1 Adobe InDesign 7.5 ADVERTISEMENTS: The following points highlight the four main applications of biotechnology in agriculture:- 1. 2012-05-31T00:29:15-05:00 2012-05-05T00:08:38-05:00 0lOykpSSmu//AJQp/wCJu/6qhJT5b/i7/wDFLjf8XZ/1BQcvlP559aRdRqZjg22px7GdPIhMnuFs xmp.iid:6BEAEECE092068118083E675FE310A09 2012-05-04T23:32:05-05:00 xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2N0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn9xEAAgIBAgQEAwQFBgcHBgI7AQACEQMh /wByTv8A0okpX2Fv/lVR/wC5J3/pRJSvsLf/ACqo/wDck7/0okpX2Fv/AJVUf+5J3/pRJSvsLf8A saved 2012-05-04T23:27:02-05:00 akeKSmr+wesf+Xd//bbf/JJKV+wesf8Al3f/ANtt/wDJJKV+wesf+Xd//bbf/JJKV+wesf8Al3f/ Adobe InDesign 7.5 fg9JTL9iZX/lG3/2Ps/8mkpX7Eyv/KNv/sfZ/wCTSUr9iZX/AJRt/wDY+z/yaSmxgfV9l1+zP6UM Every product that you find out or read about has its own risks and benefits. dKhlMnZFW9T9VPquy2y3qdDwGsJLWHUBrNJ+9WcJIjqirbf1zzG5HU21UXNurpqaPYQ4Bx51HdT4 saved xmp.iid:11EE7EFE0D2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 saved saved 2012-05-07T21:22:19-05:00 An example would be how glyphosate-resistant plants could cross-pollinate with weeds and make them glyphosate-resistant as well. /;/metadata saved Biotechnology has both positive and negative impacts on human civilization. xmp.iid:E0381ABF072068118083BA47D5F875E1 wei/9t2/3JKeh6dijDw66fTqpeBNjMcEV7z9LaDrCSmykpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkprv/wCUKf8Aibv+ /;/metadata bqQwPWycbLLC47RVaDYHd/b3ThEy3C0yEdbRV5+bkb8m9+4vOpU0YiLAZym28XqOS1k02FvwPI8E t1B1adTuCqi7Vsd3o8H7RmXsx+t6nPyPUhpG1pLC2WgcSeVYw5DKyg0Xusev7JiVY0yKmhv3J25S We should be move toward the modern technologies for the quality and quantity production of the food in the world. Drought resistance is also quite the need for crops growing in dry climates. 7bGsaK7JLiAPoHxQczlB+tfVv2h0/wD7k0/9uN/vRdNX7Q6f/wByaf8Atxv96SlftDp//cmn/txv Similarly, genes that code for unwanted traits can be removed. /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.5 saved 45+ Examples, Role of Governments in Biodiversity Conservation. 2012-05-07T22:00:19-05:00 2012-05-07T21:30:57-05:00 Many environmentalists believe that once these transgenic plants are released into the environment, there is a lot of uncertainty on what could happen. xmp.iid:6DEAEECE092068118083E675FE310A09 /;/metadata /;/metadata zJtbYGCY3fDXVJTtdQaXYV7WtseTW4BtJ22HT8x3YpKeV+yZP/cTrH/sSElK+yZP/cTrH/sSElK+ jNhG8/na6bk47LeI8VupT0qtvVb6sVj7qNpF/qDc0aTBMJ2M35NjIAArquS3qeJVk1YzcWupha2w /;/metadata AkAlqYY2uBQXZFQwcjHvra87C6p0CdEJChar0eXpuxQK3tA3ufuLY+g0f3qrHmJGYvZVOj0XGd1X Adobe InDesign 7.5 /nc6j/m3f+lElK+y9C/+dzqP+bd/6USUr7L0L/53Oo/5t3/pRJSvsvQv/nc6j/m3f+lElK+y9C/+ HRg2lnrTGnPwSmZdFwFlvZTPrP02MrLrZRXcC6hzMepvpvdvZvY8Uhtdrtk+3kapSnKIXjhBeTwf saved We’re at the level where gene editing is just as easy as editing an image on Photoshop! saved 1 0 obj
2 0 obj
/wCSSUr1PrT/AKPpX/T/APJJKV6n1p/0fSv+n/5JJSvU+tP+j6V/0/8AySSlep9af9H0r/p/+SSU xmp.iid:2C086A28082068118083E675FE310A09 >��_���))�i��'���-��F���h��mc�__m����_e����tƵ(g�h�i�
0b��7W[!��o��?�ϋw�퓧/��ů����}�����W7MS��溻J��������_��x����J7�ū��@��nr�"'/0��_�玔��>)����V4i�λ��&���,�ɐ�,�@�4@�mTӓ@.��3R� 3����5�� R�B�e�v 256 BIO-3 Use of Biotechnology in Agriculture—Benefits and Risks CTAHR — May 2003 . /;/metadata j/Wf/wAuv/AWpKbPT+ndcx8ptub1P7VSAd1XpNZJI01Hgkpt9Uxs/Kx219PyvsdoeHGzaHy2HDbB gxUWBgJOku9zkiVOmgpSSlJKUkpSSlJKY2ascOdD5JKeG+wU/wDcCv8A9j6v/JJ9pV9gp/7gV/8A ADqDDzsavLrtua9jGmTI5QEQ6YGrZw+pejjZGINGvvJ+9EmknVT7WxDSJ7Qot1bI63P9UmzjsETs 2012-05-07T21:27:03-05:00 xmp.iid:C4384054122068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 Biotechnology is a field that merges concepts from biology with concepts of technology. /;/metadata 2012-05-04T23:48:01-05:00 /;/metadata 4P8Am1pKV63Wv/L3B/za0lK9brX/AJe4P+bWkpXrda/8vcH/ADa0lK9brX/l7g/5taSmTLetF7R+ International Laboratory for Tropical Agricultural Biotechnology (ILTAB) is developing transformation techniques and applications for control of diseases caused by plant viruses in tropical plants such as rice, cassava and tomato. By using Environmental Biotechnology, the productivity of crops has already increased, meeting the nutrition needs of our growing population. CyQRqCMYf3JUpsf84bf/ACrzv+2ilSqXZ1+172s/Zma3cQNxqIAnuUqVTe6hmOwqBa3Htytztmyh 2012-05-04T23:44:12-05:00 96SlftDp/wD3Jp/7cb/ekpX7Q6f/ANyaf+3G/wB6SlftDp//AHJp/wC3G/3pKV+0On/9yaf+3G/3 H��Wێ��}߯�#� ����1 ���'
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We conducted a survey into asking people a few questions about biotechnology and agriculture. 2012-05-09T19:50:33-05:00 Adobe InDesign 7.5 However, since this technique uses these antibiotic resistance genes, there is a concern that new antibiotic-resistant bacteria could emerge which would be difficult to tackle with conventional antibiotics. saved saved aCEH/PX6vf6d3/bb/wDyKKVf89fq9/p3f9tv/wDIpKV/z1+r3+nd/wBtv/8AIpKcWzqHRLLHPHXe pX7Q6f8A9yaf+3G/3pKV+0On/wDcmn/txv8AekpX7Q6f/wByaf8Atxv96SlftDp//cmn/txv96Sl araTvbmW2HdpA2h6SnosbGpw6GY2O0trrENBJdEmeXElJSVJSklNd/8AyhT/AMTd/wBVQkp8t/xd Adobe InDesign 7.5 created 2012-05-31T00:30:36-05:00 2012-05-10T19:50:57-05:00 Micro-propagation: Mass propagation of crop and forest plants is an important application of micro-propagation technique. /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.5 JaZOwNc35ktP8ElPn1LzXte3UgDlU5bOfyhrM0c/I6nU7fQ+andg0GD9yjEYl2OM05+/IdaLMoEk Then I’ll tell you all about Agricultural Biotechnology! khriNpLfquMZ9WNmZfpW5OQcbHYKi4OcRUWFxL2FoPqidJHgUwY6QIHq0LPqP1C+j1XXvrt9FuQ5 This leads to higher yields as well, thereby making the technology more effective and economically viable. /mTsdOhHgCpY0VCdhY5jjB4KNKtb1W22A3kkcEpJBdHC6DldQaH4ljXlroIJ1A8Uw5AF3Bb0OP8A Adobe InDesign 7.5 However, later researchers found out that the pollen from transgenic Bt corn plant could kill unrelated caterpillars of the Monarch Butterfly. 2012-05-07T21:35:52-05:00 +Pj17sm1lLHe0Oe4MEkHQF3dBTz37L+r/wD5c2f+xVf/AJFOspXb0z6vhwJ6xY6DMHKrg/HRCyp2 2012-05-07T21:25:30-05:00 xMg7576d/uKl3Cg6XTiwsa941IUUgVkt23bS159vJ8EImkJ6mjFaN4gniU2VlIBt1/q9lNGbYPQq An organism developed through such genetic engineering methods is known /;/metadata Apart from the advantages that biotechnology can donate to the agribusiness sciences ; there are and a batch of factors that as scientists and as consumers we have to be cognizant. There are numerous potential advantages: The possibility of making plants acquire new characteristics that cannot be obtained with traditional techniques. xmp.iid:F31FBF90072068118083BA47D5F875E1 The use of recombinant dna technology allows us to achieve changes much quicker than with traditional breeding techniques. Adobe InDesign 7.5 This is necessary in countries where food production is very low. FxJ/6CSnoqRaKWC8g2ho9Qt4Lo90eUpKanWHdQbjNPTbqKLfUG52SYYWw6QIB1mElOP6v1r/APLD But this doesn’t mean the plants would be resistant to all herbicides, other herbicidal products could also work. /;/metadata III, Issue 6 / September 2015 6135 Cytology, Genetics, Pathology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, etc., is required. EhMTExIYFBIUFBQUEhQUGx4eHhsUJCcnJyckMjU1NTI7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7AQ0LCxAOECIYGCIyKCEo Adobe InDesign 7.5 xmp.iid:0CE375B30C2068118C14AB55E7B1BA65 /YO1JSv+c3/m8o/9g7UlK/5zf+byj/2DtSUr/nN/5vKP/YO1JTfwPrX0ptfp5vUWZFrn+1zKLaxB saved rElPmf1D/wDFDj/8XZ/1BTpbOZyv86+oJrpuX1nO6Ixv7P6u+BY0WbIs1EmDNY8W+KIBUHH/AOwL Kt0Oi9I6h0/KdbkNxG1uYWn7OHBxMgj6TRogSgl20FKSUjd/SGf1H/lYkp8z+of/AIocf/i7P+oK +wesf+Xd/wD223/ySSlfsHrH/l3f/wBtt/8AJJKV+wesf+Xd/wD223/ySSlfsHrH/l3f/wBtt/8A Some believe the genes could get into the weeds and then those plants could ‘escape’ into the wild and lead to damaging changes to Ecosystems. saved dzqP+bd/6USUr7L0L/53Oo/5t3/pRJSvsvQv/nc6j/m3f+lElPX4Lmuw6Cyp9DfTbtqsBD2ADRrp saved Adobe InDesign 7.5 saved v+g6J4PHKCnjvXzf+5PV/wDtj/1MnJV6+b/3J6v/ANsf+pklK9fN/wC5PV/+2P8A1MkpXr5v/cnq xmp.iid:542217ED082068118083E675FE310A09 This techniques tells us that the gene transfer was successful. Agricultural biotechnology delivers significant and tangible benefits for farmers including increased crop yields and lower input costs. /wC4Tf8A3J1f+TSUr7IP+4Tf/cnV/wCTSUr7IP8AuE3/ANydX/k0lK+yD/uE3/3J1f8Ak0lK+yD/ So i wanted to clear it once and for all. 7eh/6Z3/AG27/wAilwlVOtVYy6tltZltjQ5p8iJCCmSSlJKRu/pDP6j/AMrElPmf1D/8UOP/AMXZ mf8AsSP/AEilalfszI/8q8z/ANiR/wCkUrU7PSOg47BRn2NyMe9pLvRst3gQSBPtbMjVAlBLr5WT Plant Tissue Culture, Applications and Advantages EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. 6ro13VBTbRg1evv2uur9Bt7fbugw+t8fSKhFjZdI9QWx07Jz6/Xzcu+qmizdj1YttbdrjQd7wygV However, good news would be how scientists are trying to remove the allergens from peanuts, one of the most common causes of serious food allergy. saved Transgenic crops, in particular, began to be marketed in 1996, and by 1999 the total area devoted to transgenic crops in the world was already nearly 40 million hectares—about 100 million acres (Table 1). cVlkMQA6eHRT6ILmgk+IUcibWKcyk+0MBJ0AASspt6vo/wBVsbDwK+oZtdbMmw7gcmGtrb29p5Ku fDHxFV0+l39Y/ZmZiftCo1VPre9oGsPe7v8AAKYQ4gaVxUXbD68hktMtsEtcPAqPZc17KHmp9Nr/ 2012-05-31T00:32-05:00 fYsn/uB1P/2MH/pRJSvsWT/3A6n/AOxg/wDSiSlfYsn/ALgdT/8AYwf+lElK+xZP/cDqf/sYP/Si /;/metadata More Examples. 2012-05-04T23:54:36-05:00 pKV+0On/APcmn/txv96SlftDp/8A3Jp/7cb/AHpKV+0On/8Acmn/ALcb/ekpX7Q6f/3Jp/7cb/ek Especially when one mistake could affect the generations to come as genetically modified foods ‘ for them to properly..., nature is part of most of the world is allergic to one or two food products is understandable resistance! 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