Due to the nature of the game the balance for skirmish has become very degenerative in that the 'competitive' lists are just a silly spam of the most powerful figure. ), With FFG recently announcing their first wave of expansions for Star Wars Legion, which unsurprisingly includes both an AT-ST and a T-47 Airspeeder, I have begun to wonder whether this new game or the existing Imperial Assault gives the better experience of the films…. They both have special actions and can attack for an action. It's not likely. Hello! Fast shipping and friendly customer service. IA is a quicker set up, much more accessible and gives a similar game experience with miniatures battling it out. This isn't a game about mass battles but rather an engagement with a couple platoons fighting over a given objective. Posted by 9 months ago. Having played Imperial Assault several times against someone playing the Imperials, I am looking forward to the co-operative play provided by the app and comparing the experience. Sure that's going to be close. Well, Legions will be arriving in the new year, so I’m definitely on board with that. © 2018 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. One of the immediate benefits of this is that it now allows for solo play, but it also means that the game has more of a surprise element, which means that certain areas and enemies are only revealed as the board is explored, which gives a great ‘all in this together’ experience. The TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank is the newly announced heavy unit for the Imperial faction in Fantasy Flight Games miniature game Star Wars Legion. They both use different colored dice for attacks and different colored dice for defense. I never was very interested in IA. They both have 2 actions per unit, with movement being an action and the only action that can be done twice. Paste as plain text instead, × All the missions (campaign and skirmish) are preset grillet tiles map. It seems to me that a comparison to Warmachine/Hordes is closest based on what we have seen so far. Where this is the case we will disclose that fact. Legion is a Skirmish game with 20-40 models per side on a 3x6 table. Imperial Assault is a board game that is a 1 v 4 asymmetrical 'dungeon crawl' just like Descent. As a new player who wanted to dive in a competitive star wars game with cool miniatures and attend tournaments, the answer was Imperial Assault. Archived. Death troopers were named by Emperor Palpatine himself to capitalize on rumors about a legendary Advanced Weapons Research project to revive necrotic tissue, which resulted in the creation of uncontrollable Undead Troopers.Early during the construction of the Death Star above the planet Geonosis, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin was accompanied by a squad of death troopers to Scarif to confront Darth Vader's breach of security. X-Wing is dog fights, Armada is the fleet. Will this game end up having hundreds of troops on both sides with massive vehicles? A leader, a few squads, and some support from armor/vehicles. So it will be much larger, dynamic battles. They both use very similar miniatures that have a point base system per unit. Imperial Assault also has a second style of play – skirmish mode – where players can take a number of miniatures and play a battle on a map, which has much more of a feel of skirmish wargame. However, they do share at least one thing. 13 comments. In Legion the game is a tactical miniatures game. But in short, they used Skirmish style match ups to quickly calibrate points values for different figures, then realised it was also a fun way of playing and decided to include it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So just one part of one battle, if that makes sense. × We dive into the newly announced Star Wars:Legion and discuss the community reaction to a game that some feel kill Imperial Assault. Legion is a full on table top miniatures squad based wargame akin to 40K or Warmachine/Hordes. Imperial Assault works on a grid, line of sight is much more important and … Change ). Story driven narratives are 100% possible with wargames as you play out missions that cover a major battle or campaign. New Thread ; Printer Friendly ; Subscribe ; Bookmark ; Thread Rolls. So the only real difference, besides some subtle differences in dice and cover, is the map. So.. Just for grins, I Blue-tacked an Imperial Assault Ahsoka figure on top of a legion Storm Trooper, and she was just as tall as the Legion Model's Luke. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You have to have more space for Legion. It’s well worth a listen, especially hearing the origin of Vinto Hreeda! So, yes, it was an afterthought, but I don’t think it was as potentially cynical as you might suspect. I think it will be similar to Armada in respect to X-Wing. Imperial Assault is a board game that is a 1 v 4 asymmetrical 'dungeon crawl' just like Descent. Popular Tags: Aaron Day (Hedgehobbit) United States Texas. You can play 800 or 1000 or more points per side. Legion will cater for those that want to feel more like a commander and with an equal balance unlike Imperial Assault. Are these two games comparable to Xwing and Armada, respectively, in scale and gameplay scope? Imperial Assault: Story driven campaign that is set in a specific era in the Star Wars universe using pre made models on a multiple changing tiled board game using campaign for the map design. Arrayed against them are various bad guys, ranging from Imperial Stormtroopers and Probe Droids through to various bounty hunters and even an AT-ST. Whilst the numbers of Imperial forces can be challenging, there are not usually more than a dozen figures in play at any one time. It's not a 15 or 6mm scale game where a single stand is a whole squad. share. In Imperial Assault, a small number of heroes (usually 2-4) work to complete missions on behalf of the Rebel Alliance. Star Wars Tabletop Gaming 6,388 views. Rare Board Games, mtg, Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, rpg, Role Playing Games, Dungeons and Dragons, and many more games and supplies for sale. VIPs: FREE Han Solo™ Key Chain with Star Wars™ purchases over $100. A friend of mine and I Split 2 Starter boxes. ( Log Out / Miniatures - Star Wars: Imperial Assault. On 8/22/2017 at 10:20 AM, VirMortalis said: Imperial assault and Legion? Legion will be bigger battles. Both games have their place, and IA is great at what it is meant to do (being a 1 v 4 asymmetrical board game). Join the crew of the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels and fight against Grand Admiral Thrawn, Hondo Ohnaka, and the Tyrants of Lothal! Specialising in Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k. Breaking it down into simplest terms, one is a Board Game, the other is a Tabletop war game. Fantasy Flight Games just released a Twitter photo showing the differences in size between the Star Wars: Legion's AT-ST and Imperial Assault's AT-ST – the results are quite telling…. The squad vs platoon comparison seems pretty apt. on a recent episode of the Meeples & Miniatures Podcast, FFG have just released an app which takes control of the Imperials and allows players all play Rebels, Gaming in a pandemic – rediscovering RPGs. From a thematic standpoint IA is the heroes escaping from the Death Star (or Cloud City), while Legion would be the Ewok battle in RotJ. Legion: 6x3 game table with customised scenery as seen fit by the players, no story driven narrative. Imperial Assault is very dissimilar to Legion other than being a Star Wars game. I have been looking forward to the release of Star Wars Legion by Fantasy Flight Games ever since it was announced at GenCon earlier this year. This is the 2nd Star Wars … Losing the special tricks and hidden info from the campaign scenarios led them to develop the command card concept. 22. What is imperial assault and how does it differ from legion? Prepare your troops for a surface attack.” –Darth Vader, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the blow dealt to the Rebel Alliance in the Battle of Hoth to a few Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers stationed on Endor. IA is the squad, Legion is the army. Imperial Assault was originally designed to be played with a single player controlling all the Imperial Forces and up to four players controlling Rebel characters. Star Wars: Legion» Forums » General Subject: My thoughts on Legion as an Imperial Assault Player. It could totally not exist and the main purpose for the game's existence is not harmed in any way. This thread is archived. 8. IA also has a campaign game where you have 3-5 players vs the Imperial player going through preset missions. IA has preconstructed maps with a grid and Legion has a free form map with random terrain. Necrons Eradication Legion. They both use cards and upgrade cards for units. Legion's Scout Walker is almost twice the size and one can easily pick more exact detailing in Legion's tabletop model when compared to Imperial Assault's … I may hold out for a larger scope game if it comes along but this may be a fun game to get into. If Legion is big army battles as Armada is big fleet battles, I may be interested. Star Wars: Legion - Comparison of Legion's AT-ST to Imperial Assault's AT-ST. Fantasy Flight Games just released a photo showing the differences in size between the Star Wars: Legion's AT-ST and Imperial Assault's AT-ST - the results are quite telling. Many of the scenes in the Star Wars films – whether it is the rescue of Princess Leia from the Death Star, the battle on Bespin, the rescue of Han from Jabba’s palace or the mission on Eadu to find Galen in Rogue One – focus on the actions of a handful of heroes attempting to complete a mission, and this is the ideal format for Imperial Assault. share. I am wondering if I can use minis from both for the EotE RPG as well, or will they be different sizes? The real difference is the grid, so it is more chess like, and the smaller map and fewer units. These heroes can be aided by allies, who can include characters from the films such as Han Solo or Chewbacca. ( Log Out / 96% Upvoted. You cannot paste images directly. Meeples & Miniatures are regularly sent products to review from publishers and manufacturers. They both take turns with unit activations. By And then you need a commander and armor and support and upgrades. Legion is also played on a much bigger map and has more units and a longer game time. With FFG recently announcing their first wave of expansions for Star Wars Legion, which unsurprisingly includes both an AT-ST and a T-47 Airspeeder, I have begun to wonder whether this new game or the existing Imperial Assault gives the better experience of the films…. Pasted as rich text. Star Wars: Legion "General! They both have a competitive mode fully supported by FFG with tournaments. However, especially with the release of the new app I am tempted to get my own copy of Imperial Assault – I know that ‘my other mate Dave’ has a big huge collection of this, but I’m tempted to get my own copy to play games with Josh (like father, like son – we are both big Star Wars fans) – It just depends whether playing Legions, X-Wing and the odd game of 7TV scratche s all the itches…, 7TV from Crooked Dice has a Star Wars episode guide, which is great for playing small skirmishes…. So what makes Legion different from IA, and for the record I've never played IA so forgive me for my ignorance. 20:34. If what people are saying is true, then you can easily have 6 squads of 4 troops for about 1/4 of your army points. Legion is a full on table top miniatures squad based wargame akin to 40K or Warmachine/Hordes. ... Star Wars: Legion is a miniatures battle game that pits armies of Rebel and Imperial troops against one another in deadly tactical combat. In Legion/Xwin/Armada, movement is similar, dice mechanics are similar and all 3 are solely about 1v1 battles. Star Wars: Imperial Assault | Legends of the Alliance App Tutorial ... Star Wars Legion: Briefing Room – Vader vs. Veers - Duration: 20:34. × Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. save. They are both objective based, though you score points for killing units in IA. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Will the minis be the same size? So where does this leave me? Display as a link instead, × If you mean in terms of battles? Or pit them against each other with new characters ready to enter your skirmish battles! Close. Tom Vasel and Sam Healey take a look at this game based on the Star Wars universe from Fantasy Flight Games. It's going to be closer to platoon size engagements, but it would scale up so you could in theory do something company sized, say 90+ models per side, but that would be about as large as you're going to get. All units have a set movement speed. When you play with Legends of the Alliance, the app assumes the role of the Imperials, while you and your friends form a team of … Talking of starship combat, it’s now time to talk about perhaps the greatest … Is a very different game. However, there are almost as many examples in Star Wars of larger battles with more troops taking place, such as Hoth, Endor and Scarif. I ran her with Luke's powers, and kept calling her "Luke-soka" in the one full game I was able to play over the weekend. If you know Flames of War vs Bolt Action this game is on the same scale as Bolt Action. In all seriousness what are the big key differences to these two games. That’ll be Star Wars: Imperial Assault. You really need a game store which offers terrain to play with or have your own terrain, which really complicates the game, unless you just go bare bones. With the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion, your Imperial armies gain a single finely sculpted, menacing TX-225 miniature that can work in tandem with your ground troops to impose the Empire’s will wherever it’s assigned. Whilst I am looking forward to the release of Legion, I have to admit that on reflection the Star Wars films are primarily adventure stories that contain battles rather than war films (although it can probably be argued that Rogue One has much more of a war film vibe) so, as a game, Imperial Assault seems to better reflect the general ethos of the films. If Legion is big army battles as Armada is big fleet battles, I may be interested. there is till a lot of debate, legion is slightly larger, but we still don't know how much or if it will break things. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Star Wars Legion vs Imperial Assault Scale Comparison. Your previous content has been restored. IA is a board game that uses minis. Whilst some of these are quite large (Hoth being the obvious example) the battles generally seem to be more like large skirmishes, and can certainly be handled as such on the tabletop, so the forthcoming Legion game seems to have its place in recreating parts of the films – and it has the added advantage that players can actually play characters from the film, rather than them appearing as side allies in your adventures. It will play somewhat similar to Armada. Ok thank you that helps. Close. We don't know enough about Legion yet to compare or contrast it perfectly, but it definitely appears that Legion will operate at a larger scale than IA. Five of these troopers are armed with E-22 blaster rifles while a Shoretrooper equipped with a T-21B targeting rifle is ready to deal extra damage from long range. This website and its contents are copyright Meeples & Miniatures Podcast 2017 So they basically took IA skirmish, removed the grid, added more space and units, took a few things from Runewars and called it a day. Your Tags: Add tags. FFG’s Star Wars space battle game, Armada, has a similar process where you can ‘bid’ to become first player or not, but it only happens the once and is fixed for the rest of the … Strange though it may seem, considering how big a fan of Star Wars I am, until very recently I had not played the Star Wars: Imperial Assault boardgame. IA is more of a board game and played on preset map with a grid square, it also has maybe 8-12 models per side. A copy of the Imperial Assault … Some more details of note: Imperial Assault is very dissimilar to Legion other than being a Star Wars game. They both use pierce for busting through defense. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Legion is played on a table with 3d terrain and has more models per side. Posted on December 5, 2017 by Neil Shuck in Editorial // 1 Comment. Flames of War is a whole company with support units and maybe a take squad, where Bolt Action is a single platoon with a little support and maybe a single tank. We believe that our readers and listeners deserve to hear an opinion that is unbiased from any commercial interest, and seek to provide such wherever possible. What's the difference. This is not a standalone product. You can post now and register later. 2 comments. Star Wars Legion vs Imperial Assault Scale Comparison. The only difference I can see is that it has different minis and seems to be skirmish instead of a small mass battle. Clear editor. Check out the New Orders podcast, they had a recent interview with Jonathon Ying, one of the original designers, he talks about the genesis of the Skirmish mode. In Legion the game is a tactical miniatures game. When we reviewed this game on a recent episode of the Meeples & Miniatures Podcast, Imperial Assault was described as “Star Wars: Rogue One – the boardgame” and we started to discuss how Imperial Assault encapsulated the essence of the Star Wars films in its gameplay (and by the Star Wars films, I’m talking about the original trilogy plus Rogue One, which adds to the Galactic Civil War story. report. All game has variants depends on objetives, deploy and special effects (like fog). During 6 rounds you might to gain more points than your enemy and is so important the leader poaitioning and the orders/initiative timing. This is a beginner's guide to painting the Imperial Officer miniatures from Fantasy Flight's Star Wars Imperial Assault miniatures game. Galactic Republic - Miniatures - SciFi Star Wars Legion Galactic Republic. save. I really have no clue. Star Wars: Rebellion. Armada is my game. This experience works brilliantly in the Mansions of Madness game. Legends of the Alliance is a companion app for the Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game, a scenario-based game of tactical combat. Wargaming web-store with low prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service. The strategy and positioning component is higher than IA. The Child. Price$79.99. hide. FFG have just released an app which takes control of the Imperials and allows players all play Rebels. Archived. Legion is a true head to head minis game that meant to be played 1 v 1. IA operates on a smaller scale because it was adapted from a rules set originally designed for a dungeon crawl board game. ( Log Out / Only with squads of 4-6 troops rather than individual ships. In Imperial Assault, a small number of heroes (usually 2-4) work to complete missions on behalf of the Rebel Alliance. In skirmish you might to gain 40 vp to win. Rune Taq, August 22, 2017 in Star Wars: Legion. Upload or insert images from URL. Website Powered by WordPress.com. Imperial Assault. IA has a more narrative component due to the campaign (the main and very fun mode) also you have skirmish in wich you build a list of 40 points (vader is 13 and a regular trooper group around 6-9 and incluides 2 or 3 figures) then you might to built a command card deck (15 cards and 15 points) this cards shakes the normal game and let your troops to do special things like surprise attack, heal others or force lighting a squad. After Tar… Before Legion, there was no question to ask yourself. Are these two games comparable to Xwing and Armada, respectively, in scale and gameplay scope? On the other hand, legion is all about battles and you don't have restrictions building your army. Share your thoughts on this topic that is … If you're looking for a game where you can have a couple maybe even 6+ AT-AT's with hordes of troops, then Legion may not be the game for you. There will also be much more freedom insofar as movement is concerned with the removal of grid-based movement. What is imperial assault and how does it differ from legion? Points are earned killing enemy troops and doing concrete objetives. Posted by 1 year ago. Legion is much more similar to Xwing and Armada. Your link has been automatically embedded. Personally I love both and will play both as they are entirely different games that serve very different experiences. In canpaign the 4 rebel players cooperate against the empire player to do some objetives in order to win the mission and then earn credits and xp to level up. Imperial Assault Imperial Assault is a strategy board game of tactical combat and missions for two to five players, offering two distinct games of battle and adventure in the Star Wars™ universe!. Sort by. Contact Us; Order Status; Wishlist; My Cart - 0 Items Search Free Shipping on orders over $150(AU) and $250(NZ) ... Star Wars Imperial Assault; Star Wars Legion; Star Wars X-Wing; Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika; Warhammer 40,000; Fantasy. IA also having the skirmish mode is secondary to the games purpose. link Tommy20 Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique, unpainted Imperial Shoretrooper miniatures to add to your Star Wars™: Legion collection. Legion solves that problem by turning it into a brilliant mini-game in its own right. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. However, we also reserve the right to give our full, open and honest opinion on any product that we review. It reminds me of the days of Magic The Gathering with 40 card decks before there was a 4 copy limit. Whilst it is possible to potentially play with more than half a dozen miniatures a side in this mode, the play engine starts to bog down if too many figures are used. In fact that it is whole purpose, not just a poorly thought out addition the games main thrust. I suspect the reason that skirmish exists for IA is because they either A. did not have Legion planned at the time, or B. wanted to test the waters for interest in a competitive Star Wars based game that didn't involve the ships (at least not as the main force). Star Wars Legion: Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion £14.99 £13.49 This product is available but isn't currently in stock - we will order it from our suppliers. ( Log Out / So in game play this may be closer to Xwing with moderately sized squad battles, if I'm understanding you correctly. Troops kill each other more quickly. Think of it as taking Skirmish mode from Imperial Assault and taking away the small size restriction and opening the world by 100 times the size. Very dissimilar to Legion other than being a Star Wars: Imperial Assault is very dissimilar to other. And has more models per side note: your post will require approval! 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