Ad_Victoriam 2 years ago #1. So, apparently, you can sell (or donate) things that you really ought to hold onto in this game. Can't sell to the horse fence. Instead, you'll want to sell your pelts to any Butcher in Red Dead Online. i know this is late but you just can’t have a mask or bandana on, This isn't what's happening, the item doesn't appear at all in the inventory when being held or on the horse, the other skin I had was just fine but the legendary skin just doesn't appear, Edit: u can't even talk to him with ur face covered. I’m hoping I can fix this. You need them for literally any sort of arrow crafting, and you’ll be wanting those arrows. Owl, Eagle, and Hawk feather – these are used for improving your tomahawks once you get some. Tried to craft Moose Trinket at Van Horn Fence. Yesterday I thought this was happening to me. I'm in chapter two right before John and I rob some sheep. Red Dead Redemption 2 Prostitutes: Everything You Need to Know. You can get a Perfect kill with a throwing knife and a poison throwing knife, but you can't with a tomahawk. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can sell them at high prices and, above all, use them for crafting purposes. turned out i had my bandanna over my face and hadn't realised. 2 years ago. It still shows as Legendary Moose Antler. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And, when I walked up to the trapper with the Pelt, he said "what? Getting good/poor pelts to sell is okay. Now, you can run into the trapper in several locations in the wild. We have the latest Red Dead Redemption 2 news, the biggest forums and have the largest collection of RDR2 guides anywhere. If your horse is close while trying to sell pelts you will be able to select it and sell it to the Butcher. I've tried selling it to him with the pelt on my horses back and with the pelt slung over my shoulder. — January 18, 2019. share. Thought you were hot? Their pelts take up way too much space – you can only pack one on your horse’s back before having to go back to town to sell it. Where do I sell pelts in rdr2? However it turned out I just confused Elks, Mooses and Bucks. Sadly not, they listed in my inventory as Legendary, and I should be able to sell the pelt regardless right? How do you sell valuables and stolen goods in Red Dead Redemption 2?Where can you sell all your valuable items in RDR2? Items that Can’t Be Sold. Close. I was mauled by a cougar after getting the legendary moose, my pelt and antlers disappeared, I received the notice about it going to the trapper...but I can't craft any items related to the pelt or antlers, none of the parts are in my inventory, the moose is cross off, and I cannot re-hunt it. I'll also note that I have wrecked on my horse and the pelt flew off. This is because you are limited in how you can sell horses. report. Let’s go ahead and get it right out of the way that, yes, you can sell horses in Red Dead Online. Where to Sell Pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2? It's been at least a week in game, and I've hunted other legendary animals with no problems (before and after) but it's still bumming me out. I’ve tried 3 different stables. I know I’m at max capacity (4 horses) which is why I’m wanting to sell some. ONLY sell legendary pelts to the trapper, never donate those to camp. The Trapper is a merchant that you can sell animal pelts to for money or special outfits (by killing Legendary Animals). Also now the antler won't disappear even though I successfully used it at fence and trapper. Rockstar support has had me try some fairly generic troubleshooting (version numbers, rebuild database) - I believe they will soon say "Sorry, start again or live without the moose.". Unfortunately, it is not so simple as you would expect, though. I’ve tried waiting a few days. I have the paint you start with, I kept the black draft horse, I bought the cheap palomino when it made me buy a horse, and I caught the white Arabian. It doesn’t work going to a fence either as they are strictly for stolen and all other goods. Issue. So scarf down that stringy meat, bird meat, and regular size game meat in the early story, and save the big stuff. Animal fat – used for crafting fire bottles and improving some arrows or ammo. Transporting Pelts I've killed several other legendary animals without any issues. (certain things only … save. Didn't work tried the Bandana trick and I think it helped. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I can't equip alligator tooth talisman ? The same exact thing happened to me, but luckily I literally went back to the spot after I died and actually found the moose dead there and skinned it. Dead. First of all, avoid hunting large animals, like buffalo, bears and alligators. d8alus 2 years ago #6. Nope. I can see them and other players see them on my horse but I can't interact or sell them. You can earn about $12 in 5-10 minutes by going on a hunting trip, if you know what you’re doing. Animals are grouped into Size Group (as defined by Rockstar), then Class and Species. 3.0k. The option to sell the horse to Clay is grayed out. Hands down, the best way to make money is by hunting. For Red Dead Online on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a reason I can't sell hides and meat to the butcher? is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. He can also craft various clothing items and accessories from the animals and pelts you sell him which is where the hunting system really opens up. 11. I get ghost pelts added to my horse. I didn't think much of it because I heard it'll show up sooner or later at the trapper regardless, and then I got the message to check there so I did. That worked for me with the fence to make the trinket. Maybe something similar is happening to you? Sadly, it doesn’t work as well as it does in the singleplayer campaign. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Just not showing up in my inventory to sell :(. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Even when you have a semi automatic one that's way better. You can, however, unequip them from the wheel (although I don't remember how at the moment). I’ve literally been trying to sell a couple of my starter horses for the past 3 hours with no luck. Red Dead Redemption 2's Trapper is a special merchant that can appear in several locations around the world, and will use pelts from Legendary Animals to I believe if you lose a perfect pelt, it's gone forever, so you need to take the pelts and skins to one or the other. I'm on xbox and I was mauled by some wolves when I had the legendary moose pelt on my horse. Log In Sign Up. Irritating! Change ), RDR2: Don’t Sell These!! 9 comments. A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2, and its online multiplayer Red Dead Online. As it turns out, the general store owners will make it very clear that they have no interest in buying anything with fur or blood on it. Went to Van Horn. Maybe the glitch will be fixed later and I can finally sell the pelt. Even if I didn't skin anything in that Session yet. I’ve tried 3 different stables. Can't sell horses to the stables. But for crafting, only perfect pelts will do. Went to Trader near Riggs Station didn't accept it. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a lot more enjoyable when you don’t have to worry about how many items you can carry. Here's where to go and what to do once securing the pelt. Since you can’t remove a pelt from your horse, you’ll need to ride right up to the butcher for him to see it in your inventory. User account menu. Unfortunately, the answer to where to sell pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2 is pretty limited. Unfortunately. The smaller ones you can’t manually remove… but there’s really no need to. Big game meat – without giving too much away, plot wise, you’ll want to save your quality food such as plain and seasoned Big Game meat for later in the story. Then they disappeared for a few days and the same thing is still happening while they're back up. report. If we can't sell the guns, at least let us drop them.. Archived. Hunting is one of the lesser explained elements in Red Dead Redemption 2, but by the bottom of this guide, you’ll know your longhorns from your pronghorns.. Getting good/poor pelts to sell is okay. Sell Your Pelts to the Trapper. Rockstar allows players to sell some things in Red Dead Online, but not everything can be sold. Red Dead Online: Where to Sell Horses. You can’t just waltz over to a general store and sell those perfect pelts for cash. hide. If it makes you feel any better, I'm experiencing the same glitch but had no interruptions - killed the Legendary Moose, skinned and went straight to trapper. To get animal pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2, players have to hunt animals, kill them, and then skin their carcasses. at Beecher's Hope (since I'm now John Marston). Apart from taking down enemies or going on heists, you can also head out and hunt. On this page of our guide we will inform you how to obtain the best skins of wild animals in RDR2. Instead, you can only sell the animal’s pelt and any specific, unique parts from it instead. Haven’t found a solution yet, so it looks like I may be skipping the moose trinket. I’m assuming the pen you get from Jimmy Brooks (a.k.a The Man From Blackwater) is the right one, and it even says “unique item” beneath the pen…but you can still donate or sell it?! Massacre all the flying birds. ( Log Out / I even can’t craft the Moose antler trinket from the fence despite having what I need in my inventory. Dead. If you look at the pelt item description you'll notice it doesn't mention anything about crafting. The trapper does have the pelt, but the fence does not have the antler so I can’t make the trinket. My wolf.RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2!/en-gb/tid=CUSA08519_00 You will find this out the moment you examine your dialogue options in response to being propositioned. "Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? I don’t want my starter horse. My husband told me that at some point, Mary-Beth will ask for a pen. You can sell pelts and parts to a butcher in any town and random stuff from killing npc's to the fence or madam nazar, once you unlock collector. Haven’t done that one, only read about it) for Jack, Silver pocket watch for Lenny (again, haven’t done this one yet, but read about it), Flight feather – GET AS MANY OF THESE AS YOU CAN! To obtain a perfect pelt from an elk, you need to find a 3-star animal and make sure you use the right sort of weapon to earn a clean kill. Don’t know if you found a solution, but I put my bandanna on & then removed it, & the pelt appeared in my inventory. Tracked down the Legendary Bear late in chapter 4 and survived a vicious beating before finishing the beast off with a bang . Checking the state of animal; Use special ammo or arrow type Did I do something? In order to meet the necessary requirements, you must first sell the required pelts and hides to the trapper. Hope this helps! Let me know what else can’t be sold and I will add it here. Animal skins of perfect (a.k.a. I’m having the same issue. If you hunt the Legendary Bear you'll be able to get a unique new outfit in Red Dead Redemption 2. How long will I have to wait? Posted by 1 year ago. Or something to that effect. You can, however, unequip them from the wheel (although I don't remember how at the moment). 9. Not to mention our comprehensive cheat codes section. Thankfully, you can store your pelt to take it back to camp, which you can see how to do below. Spoilers. User Info: tenchi1981. Rockstar allows players to sell some things in Red Dead Online, but not everything can be sold. Let it get knocked out of your hand. 9. So, apparently, you can sell (or donate) things that you really ought to hold onto in this game. Meaning that you can’t ride your horse, use weapons or your hands at all whilst carrying a pelt. Other times you’ll have to swiftly conclude whatever tangential intrigue RDR2 is drawing your attention to. I'm not too worried about selling the pelt for cash, and when you "lose" a legendary pelt it goes straight to the trapper, so I just hope Rockstar fixes this glitch to let me fill my compendium. 139 comments. Came back to life, ran back over to the moose (which was still there), skinned it. I've also saved. Maybe that screwed things up? Oddly enough, there is only one person that you can head to for selling these pelts. (Hint, turkeys don’t have flight feathers so no need in fussing with them.). The trapper, on the other hand, will buy any chunk of animal you bring him, and that includes pelts, of all qualities. Items that Can’t Be Sold. What do you do with pelts in rdr2? You'll be cycling thru that basic gun/shotgun for the entire game. Should note that it's literally called 'Pelt' now... can't remember if it was called Legendary Bison Pelt at one point. Anyone else experience this? I can’t sell my legendary Moose pelt to the Trapper. 1/19. Archived. If there’s a natural predator to your legendary animal in the vicinity, you’ll have to remove that killjoy before you can hunt. Posted by 2 days ago. If you look at the pelt item description you'll notice it doesn't mention anything about crafting. Question: What happens if I cannot skin a Legendary Animal or lose its pelt?Answer: After killing a Legendary Animal in Red Dead Redemption 2 you can skin them to sell the pelt or in some cases even the carcass to a Trapper. Just killed the Legendary Tatanka Bison and made my way to the trapper by Riggs station. I even can’t craft the Moose antler trinket from … Press J to jump to the feed. — January 18, 2019. Moonshine, Gin, Guarma rum,Fine brandy, Kentucky bourbon – aside from being useful as tonics, you craft fire bottles with them. Unfortunately, you can’t sell the animal itself. Unfortunately, most of the general stores in Red Dead Redemption 2 simply will not accept animal pelts, so players have to either donate the pelts to Pearson at the camp or sell … I can’t sell any of my horses. If you see the pelt on your horse then grab it with Arthur so it's on his shoulder and then talk to the fence and trapper. This is your complete guide to solving that problem, but you’re going to … Is that what I can think it is?" ... New to the game and I just so happened to come across (and acquire) the rarest horse in RDR2. Alcohol. ". … Press J to jump to the feed. To obtain a perfect pelt from an elk, you need to find a 3-star animal and make sure you use the right sort of weapon to earn a clean kill. Do you mean, sell back your unwanted guns? In the case of Legendary Pelts, selling one will give him multiple sections to work with - so one Legendary Bear Pelt can be used to craft a Legendary Bear Head Hat, Bear Coat, and Bear Roper. If you lose your legendary pelt somehow, they will still be available at the trapper for crafting, but you can't benefit from selling it, only crafting with it. These are also better because you can use your lasso to rope them in, then slaughter them with a knife. Horses. Alcohol. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. If you can’t find the Legendary skin you’ve looted, try looking at the Trapper. Irritating! hide. I killed the Legendary moose, ran over to it, got struck and killed by a cougar before skinning it. He can also craft various clothing items and accessories from the animals and pelts you sell him which is where the hunting system really opens up. Here's where to go and what to do once securing the pelt. If so, that's never been a thing in any game Rockstar has done. If you can’t find the Legendary skin you’ve looted, try looking at the Trapper. Why can't i send mail. You can pick up the larger ones by approaching them and pressing the button prompt that comes up (or run your horse into something, knocking them off). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption community. Animals are grouped into Size Group (as defined by Rockstar), then Class and Species. Where to sell pelts and other animal parts in RDR2. I’ve tried waiting a few days. Issue. I understand the mechanics of the game and I don’t think it’s anything I’m doing wrong. The smaller ones you can’t manually remove… but there’s really no need to. They don't even fall off if my horse trips on another small pebble over flat terrain. I realize this is a late reply, I was wondering if you had any luck with this issue? Make sure your horse is close to sell pelts in RDR2 Online You can sell meat and pelts to the trapper and perfect pelts you sell will be kept by him to craft clothes with. Why can't i send mail. Sell your pelts to him, and it should unlock some of his wares, assuming you have the required components to purchase them. Same thing just happened to me. Later after upgrading the camp donated perfect pelts … Get in a fist fight, pull out the weapon. Since you can’t remove a pelt from your horse, you’ll need to ride right up to the butcher for him to see it in your inventory. Let me know what else can’t be sold and I will add it here. User Info: d8alus. But for crafting, ... sleep for a few hours, and resume. Create a free website or blog at Perfect pelts … I get ghost pelts added to my horse. Cinematic shots of my latest playthrough of RDR2 (20 of 95 total) Content. If so, that's never been a thing in any game Rockstar has done. ( Log Out / I did get the trinket from the fence, but I can't get anything from the trapper involving the moose. They don't even fall off if my horse trips on another small pebble over flat terrain. Disappointingly, there is no way to hire a prostitute. You are dead. Red Dead Redemption 2's Trapper is a special merchant that can appear in several locations around the world, and will use pelts from Legendary Animals to Examine your dialogue options in response to being propositioned will buy all of your animal materials make is... From the wheel ( although I do n't remember if it works for him small pebble flat. Fight, pull out the weapon you will find this out the weapon had... 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