The Barzona. In January 1968 the Barzona Breeders Association of America was formed in Phoenix, Arizona. They are specially designed for greater benefits and fewer or no disadvantages. John Luc. Raymond Boykin. Remains of domesticated cattle dating to 6,500 B.C. Fertility and Calving Ease. By 1968, Barzona cattle were genetically recognized as an established breed, were well accepted by feeders and packers and the bulls were in demand by commercial ranchers for use in crossbreeding programs. At this time he purchased a load of King Ranch bulls, both Santa Gertrudis and Africanders, to breed to the native cows. Francis Bard and his wife set out to develop a breed that would be adaptable and which would do well under the rigorous range conditions of their particular area. Cattle Feeding. All along the manger, there shall be 10" wide water trough to provide clean, even, available drinking water. The Barzona cattle are very hardy and active animals. Some authorities date the domestication of cattle as early as 10,000 years ago, and others almost half that amount of time. From the Angus they wanted good carcass and marbling characteristics, small calf at birth followed by rich milk and good hindquarters, a Zebu-Angus bull was chosen. Black Angus beef is popular with ranchers due to their ease of keeping and large amount of meat produced. Cattle Shed . Their mother breeds do not have many disadvantages. Actually the breed has been bred to be especially hardy, having good heat, insect and disease tolerance. Currently the breed is found and produced mainly in the United States. Floral City, FL 34436 Some of cattle food include: hay, straw, silage, legumes, wheat, crop residue, pasture, maize, soyabean, etc. Livestock farming involves the rearing of animals for food and other human uses, such as producing leather, wool and even fertilizer.This type of farming primarily applies to cattle or dairy cows, chickens, goats, pigs, horses and sheep but it is also increasingly relevant for other animals such as donkeys, ⦠His heard is mostly black today, but over the years he has tried many different breeds. Barzona cattle are medium sized animals. The breed was first imported into Australia in small numbers in the early days of colonisation and reintroduced in the early 1950s via the USA when the ⦠This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We also have a few Herefords around and keep some of the crossbred heifers, as this cross gives us the BEST commercial cows. From the Hereford they specifically wanted early maturity, hindquarters, close sheath and ability to thrive on the range. Barzona. ... Barzona Cattle Breeds of Livestock - Barzona Cattle ⦠Thus, the Barzona breed became the only breed developed in the US to be established through the dam line, based solely on performance. Our Barzona cattle are organically raised on prairie shortgrass in semi arid Southeastern Colorado. The land was rugged and rocky, the temperatures were extreme with minimal rainfall and sparse feed. They are, in approximately equal proportions, a combination of Africander, Hereford, Beef Shorthorn and Angus.They have been bred to be especially hardy, having good ⦠They are actually among the oldest breeds of cattle and widely ⦠There are many breeds of cows. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your favorite breed. It was to lead to the development of what is now known as the Speckle Park cattle breed. The feeding area should be provided with 2 to 2 ½ feet of manger space per cow. Grazing is the dominant land use in Arizona, making up 73 percent of Arizonaâs total land area and approximately 98 percent of Arizonaâs total agricultural land, with cropland accounting for the remaining 2 percent of ⦠These hardy, red haired cattle are adaptable to extreme temperatures, sparse rainfall, rigorous range conditions, and calve ⦠Their actual size an vary depending on the environment. However, according to Ms. Nancy Bard Nunn of Barzona Breeders of America, the Angus influence in the breed has significantly been reduced over the years by eliminating animals with Angus background ⦠It was developed in the 1940s and 1950s in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona. Currently the breed is found and produced mainly in the United States. By 1968, Barzona cattle were genetically recognised as an established breed, were well accepted by feeders and packers and the bulls were in demand by commercial ranchers for ⦠The factors that influence weaning or market weight and calf crop percentage are most affected by breed selection. The cows are very fertile and known for their easy calving. My neighbor runs about 400 mother cows and probably twice that many stocker cattle. Africander cattle developed from the native Khoi-Khoi cattle of the Cape of Good Hope which are thought to have arisen from the longhorned Zebu and the Egyptian longhorn. Arizona's beef industry manages more than 71 percent of the stateâs cattle and calf inventory. The Bos Indicus factor slowly became eliminated due to undesireable traits such as low fertility, late maturity, and excessive leather. The Aricander bulls were bred to Hereford cows, and the Hereford cattle breed was selected for their good hindquarters, early maturity, close sheath and range ability. The Barzona are a breed of beef cattle, developed in the United States, in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona in the 1940s and 1950s. When choosing a breed of cattle, there are other factors to consider as well. The best cattle in the developing breed were moved to Bard Kirkland Ranch in 1948, and in 1959 the entire operation was moved to that ranch. Santa Gertrudis bulls were chosen for their Shorthorn genetics. The bulls are very hardy and vigorous, exemplifying high libido. They have very good temperament and are relatively very easy to handle. The breed was built on the Hereford cows previously purchased and daughters from the Afrikander crosses on these cows. Humphrey spent months researching the vegetation, stock water, climate and actual type and lay of the land. Bard Cattle Company has raised and marketed Foundation Barzona Cattle since 1974. Most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in spring up till autumn (7 to 9 months). They are, in approximately equal proportions, a combination of Africander, Hereford, Beef Shorthorn and Angus. The Africander were used for their ability for high browse utilization, good milk production, hide, pigment, relatively small calf and hair coat for heat and insect tolerance. The cows are pretty poor milkers, but produce enough milk for their calves. He was intrigued with the results of the Africander cross calves but had to wait until the end of World War II before being able start a concentrated breeding program. Barzona cattle are medium sized animals. About 10 - 15 years ago he bought out a herd of 20 or 30 bred Barzona cows. The Simmental cattle are a very old breed of cattle, and their history dates back to the Middle ages. They are generally orange-red in color, but their body color may vary from dark red to light red. Montgomery, AL 36117 (334) 430-0563. The cattle went to a few serious breeders who were dedicated to their continued development and improvement. They have very hardy and strong feet and legs which are very suitable for browsing tough conditions. Skip to content. In 1942 he bought a herd of purebred, unregistered, mountain-raised Hereford cows. This is where Francis Norwood Bard set out in 1940 to develop a cow herd that could thrive in such a tough environment. The Barzona Breeders Association of America is non-profit organization established in 1968 to serve its growing number of breeders. Mrs. Bard managed the business until 1973 when it became necessary to liquidate the ranch. Wanted from the Africander were good milk production, ability for high browse utilization, small calf at birth, hide, pigment and hair coat for heat and insect tolerance, close sheath, body depth and genes for marbling without excessive back fat. Barzona Cattle Characteristics. Currently the breed is found and raised mainly in the United States. They are a versatile breed of cattle originating in the valley of the Simme River, in the Bernese Oberland of western Switzerland.. In 1959, Eileen and Bill Lamont (Angus breeders from Maidstone, SK), became interested in Mary's speckled cattle, bought their first speckled heifer. They occasionally have white on the underline or switch. The Bard-Kirkland ranch was sold and the entire foundation herd of Barzonas was dispersed. Cattle Breeds - Bazadaise Bazadaise History The Bazadaise (pronounced Baz-A-Day) originates from France and the historic town of Bazas, where a Herd Book was established in 1895. Review full breed profile of the Barzona cattle in the following chart. With Barzonas in the hands of these practical cattlemen, supported by a well organized and active association, the stage was set for this breed to go ahead and make a substantial contribution to the beef industry in America. Thus, the Barzona breed became the only breed developed in the US to be established through the dam line, based solely on performance. The Barzona is a composite breed of beef cattle developed in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona in the 1940s and 1950s. Efficiency. Francis Bard passed away in Wickenburg, Arizona, in January 1970. Barzona. Bard and Humphrey's dedication to keeping records and performance data and their unmerciful selection pressure on the cattle for the desired traits and culling those animals that did not measure up to their standards is responsible for the built-in quality of today's Barzona cattle. These cattle cannot ⦠The only disadvantage associated with them is recognition. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages, and what will work well for one family probably wonât suit another. It was felt that three-eighths Brahma blood in the Santa Gertrudis was good from the standpoint of browse utilization, hair and hide, small calf at birth and good milking ability. With this in mind, it is wise to learn about the history, uses, temperament, health, and pros and cons of each breed before ⦠The Barzona Breeders Association of America was formed in January 1968 in Phoenix. 5" height from three side and manger etc., on one side. The weaning or market weight of the calves is affected by genetics, milk production of the brood cow, availability of pasture and / or creep feed, and environmental conditions such as temperature, ⦠Bard, an Arizona rancher, decided to develop a breed that would be adapted to their area which was rugged and rocky, with extreme temperatures, sparse rainfall, and ⦠Beef cattle production, whether on range, improved pasture, or in the feedlot, is most economic when feedstuffs are used effectively. Read some more information about the breed below. The calves are small at birth, averaging 40-60 lbs, but they grow quickly and are comparable in ⦠Barzona cattle are actually a beef cattle breed. The Barzona is bred and selected for qualities of heat tolerance, insect and disease resistance, hard-footedness, browsing and wild-type grazing, and the ability to travel long distances to and from water. Weather conditions were variable and included long periods of drought, very wet spells and snow in the higher country. The Barzona beef cattle breed began in Arizona, USA in 1942. This completed the infusion of blood into the genetic pool and the Barzona breed was slowly developed by careful planned matings to blend these different breeds and fix the desired characteristics. They bred the cattle for smaller frame size ⦠These cattle are calm and not angry plus they can easily adapt to the climatic environment. And finally the Barzona cattle were a very hardy breed which were well adapted to their native area of Yavapai County of Arizona state. They always have Vitalex mineral supplement and trace mineral salt available. Read some more information about the breed below. Within 20 years after the initial cross-breeding trials a superior cattle breed, performing better than other breeds in the bushveld of the Northern Transvaal, had been established. Thereâs dairy, beef, and some beautiful dual-breeds who are great for dairy or meat. Young growing grass or other high-quality pasture crops usually supply ample nutrients, such that mature and young growing cattle can consume sufficient good-quality mixed pasture ⦠Bargur Cattle: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, White Park Cattle: Characteristics, Uses & Full Breed Information, Dutch Belted Cattle: Characteristics & Breed Information, Limousin Cattle: Characteristics, Uses & Full Breed Information, Welsh Black Cattle: Characteristics, Uses & Full Breed Information, Holstein Friesian Cattle: Characteristics, Uses & Origin, Deer Farming: Profitable Business Starting Plan For …, Poultry Farming: Profitable Business Starting Plan For …, Ostrich Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Koi Fish Farming: Profitable Climbing Perch Production …, Quail Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Pigeon Farming: Profitable Business Starting Guide For …, Snail Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Duck Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Tilapia Fish Farming: Complete Business Guide For …, Rabbit Farming: Rabbit Production Business For Beginners, Catfish Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Swan Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Strong, very hardy, well adapted to native environment, good for meat, excellent meat quality, good temperament, high fertility, easy calving, pretty easy to care, Generally orange-red, but their color may vary from dark red to light red. Different cattle feeding systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Within 20 years after the initial cross-breeding trials a superior cattle breed, performing better than other breeds in the bushveld of the Northern Transvaal, had been established. They decided that no single existing breed would be able to do the necessary job for them and that they could only develop the desired characteristics through careful blending of genes from several breeds. Emphasis was on ⦠The performance-based development process utilized a base of Hereford/Africander commercial cows and added genetics from Angus, Santa Gertrudis and Zebu cattle. It became clear that the only important factor was the performance of the individual cow, her ability to reproduce annually and raise a salable calf that would be competitive from weaning clear to the rail. The breed is also well adapted to the rugged and rocky area, do well in extreme temperatures and sparse rainfall and also can do well in scattered feed. The Angus cattle breed was selected for their carcass qualities and marbling characteristics, and also for small calf at birth, rich milk and good hindquarters. No outside blood was added to the herd after 1955. Find Barzona breeders . As increasing numbers of cattlemen were becoming interested in having purebred herds, the need for a breed association was apparent. All I remember about them is the red color and that they jumped ⦠Temperatures varied from the teens in the winter to over 115 degrees in the summer on the 400 square mile area. They are very heat tolerance and insect and disease resistance. Photo and info from The Cattle Site and The Barzona cattle are a domestic breed of beef cattle developed in the United States. Most of our cattle are registered Barzona cattle, and we strive to keep many of the original characteristics in our seedstock. They started with the premise that cattle and the traits that allow them to survive and produce marketable beef on a regular and profitable basis, must match or be compatible with their environment. Walter Kruse in Barzona Cattle estimates that the Barzona carries all four breeds in about equal proportions. Our average rainfall is about 11â per year. The entire shed should be surrounded by a boundary wall of. The Bos Indicus factor slowly became eliminated due to undesireable traits such as low fertility, late maturity, and excessive leather. Bard and Humphrey determined that for cattle to cope with this environment they had to be of a hardy nature, able to take care of themselves and that certain characteristics were needed: natural fertility, good mothering instinct, milking ability, aggressive breeding habits, feet and legs to handle tough country, ability to utilize excess of browse, wild type grazing habits, easy calving, heat tolerance, insect tolerance, medium size with the conformation of a profitable beef animal. They are distinguishable by their longish head and may be either horned or polled. 1 was here. The name "Bonsmara" was derived from "Bonsma", the man who played a major role in the development of the breed, and "Mara", the farm on ⦠Thus began an association that lasted twenty years. We run about 75 head of cows on 4 pastures, and feed the calves from ⦠... but in some cases the disadvantages are more drastic. The Barzona is definitely a âno frillsâ breed, requiring less care and expensive inputs than other breeds. 9 Reasons to Get a Jersey Cow (and 3 Reasons Not to) Why a Jersey Cow? Near the center of Arizona, northwest of Phoenix, the country rises from the desert into the rough, rugged Bradshaw Mountains. The association provides a registry of purebred and percentage Barzona cattle and promotes the continued improvement of the Barzona breed. Learn how your comment data is processed. CattleToday's Q & A Boards are a Cattle Forum for swapping information and asking and answering questions about breed, health problems, beginners questions and jokes about cattle and horses. The cows are very fertile and known for their easy calving. After the second cross, breed percentages were no longer factored into the breeding program. The BBAA is flexible, ⦠have been found in Turkey and other sites in the Near East approach this age also. On the Rail. The cattle grew quickly, were hardy and quiet natured. Numerous byproducts can also be made from the bone, ⦠Barzona cattle are a composite breed of Afrikaner, Hereford, and Santa Gertrudes beef cattle which was developed in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1945 Bard employed Elliott S. (Jack) Humphrey to head his breeding program with instructions to find a breed or make a breed of cattle that, with the same number, on the same range, will produce more pounds of good sellable beef. Their actual ⦠The Sanga, or Africander traits were concentrated on to maintain the sub-tropical effects of the breed's hardiness. The Barzona Breeders Association of America was formed in January 1968 in Phoenix. The name "Bonsmara" was derived from "Bonsma", the man who played a major role in the development of the breed, and "Mara", the farm on ⦠Angus Breed types: Black Angus: The Black Angus is a large polled breed of beef cattle with a solid black color, and a short, compact body. They are raised mainly for meat production. The breeds selected to form the genetic pool were Hereford, Angus, Africander and Santa Gertrudis. The development of the Barzona began in 1942 when F.N. Copyright (c) 2017 BARZONA BREEDERS ASSOCIATION. They are well adapted to their native climates. Humphrey's knowledge of the ranching business combined with Bard's business sense and background in agriculture provided the bedrock of the development of Barzona cattle. , mountain-raised Hereford cows teens in the high desert, inter-mountain region of Arizona state to liquidate the ranch four. Mineral supplement and trace mineral salt available higher country of what is now known as Speckle... 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