Bill Gates TransHUmanist TechNOcRAzy Father and Likely GENEocidic Eugenecist illigitamte Grand or Great Grand Mother Margarate Sanger know the True encrypted mean of MOnsanto; MO [Loch] Satan an anagrammatic ReSP-EL to give homage to HA sHA-tAN? I think Gates' time-proven talents are less about actual philanthropy, and more about developing and marketing proprietary technology. And that's another thing does it make sense to you that Bill is talking about eugenics and population control all the time, yet he wants to save the people in Africa from all the harmful diseases that will kill them. so wired, that they can do just about anything they want too. Terrific post however I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this topic? Read about it everyday. Gates Foundation strategies, however, often align with corporate interests. The drugs are from hell itself and how many are taking prescribed drugs. Do you not see this? Critics, on the other hand, say it led to lasting environmental damage and displaced small farmers, to the benefit of corporations that started up large-scale industrial operations. Why do you think a whole nations cancer rate increased? These eugenicist technocrats are amongst the most evil individuals to roam God’s good earth..along with all the other elite P’sOS who are about to GO DOWN!! but i.m amazed that you were so easily bought out by the pharmazeutical industrie. “Our biggest concern is that the foundation is invested in Monsanto so they’re looking for Monsanto to make a profit,” said Travis English, of AGRA Watch. Thank you. Its no wonder then that the eugenic organization known as planned parenthood, which was founded and run by racists/eugenicists was used to kill and sterilize black people and anyone else they considered 'feeble minded'. Bill Gates Foundation could easily be purchasing these stocks in a bid to stop the ridiculously harmful effects of Monsanto. See for more on this and other really cool agricultural crap (except the info on 30,000 acres of hempseed under cultivation in canada; I could go on, but just those two tidbits of information should peak your curiosity enough to look into the Gates Foundation in serious detail for yourself. The Gates Foundation gave a $42 million grant to the African Agricultural Technology Foundation to develop new varieties of drought-tolerant maize in a partnership with Monsanto. Genetic engineering: full speed ahead. "For Monsanto, a quality wheat genome map could potentially help in our efforts to bring better wheat varieties to farmers," said Monsanto. He is a supporter of these criminals Monsanto and their Ilk in creating Franken Food. But no sir, instead your buying tons of shares from some diobolical company called Monsanto who holds the patent on cancer causing toxins like Aspartame which is responsible for 75% of all food supplements conplaints to the FDA aka Fraud & Death Association. Free Bill Gates Stock Portfolio. I will give Gates his due for his Microsoft contribution! One where people don't have to starve or go without clean drinking water? The foundation’s investment in Monsanto was the “bad news that’s good news” for their effort to get the foundation to “do the right thing,” Day said. The foundation announced it would fund projects that trained farmers and opened up new markets, as well as introduce new seed varieties. Is it time for the foundation to … Bill Gates Foundation Buys 500,000 Shares of Monsanto. When asked about AGRA Watch, the Gates Foundation replied in e-mailed statements, and the spokeswoman declined to give her name. After the use of Monsanto’s BT cotton in 2002, the rate of suicide among Indian farmers increased drastically. God spare her the shame etc of the rest of them…if not she should go down with the rest of them…i used to pray for Will n Harry n andy’s girls, when they were young and espec after Di was taken out!! Then why isn't Gates investing in water filtration and desalination plants? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock. And are you willing for you and your family to be among those to be gotten rid of to help ease the "stress on our earth"? do some research and join the dots and you can then decided for yourself …. He's a freaking convicted monopolist who corporaped his way to billions. Why aren’t the seed strains out there good enough? The stroy started when 90% of Indian cotton farmers were forced to swtich to Monsanto’s Bt crop hoping that Bt crops were pest resistant (so farmers did not have to buy Monsanto’s costly herbecide). Until the mainstream understands that toxins = cancers, and toxins = disease, we are going to continue to be screwed over by them. Why else would they have given 30 billion dollars to population control organizations. I definitely appreciated every part of it and I have you saved to fav to look at new information on your website. How are they going to afford all those seeds and chemicals? GMO foods, and more Vaccines are the last thing we need on this planet! Or that Bill Gates was going to help Monsanto do it instead, well, because the conspiracy just seems to make sense to those who are so inclined to believe it. The Gates investment is not necessarily a conflict of interest if the foundation and Monsanto share the same goals. Stop taking the toxic death vaccines as well. I have issues with Bill Gates for other reasons, but supporting populational control is one of the smart things he's doing. Also the animals which are fed GMOs are becoming impotent and having far more miscarriages. But leave it there Bill, please I beg you! to me you are the most amazing couple on earth,you really care and show it ! A 2014 analysis by the Barcelona-based research group Grain found that about 90 percent of the $3 billion the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spent to benefit hungry people in the world's poorest countries went to wealthy nations, mostly for high-tech research. They are anathema to sustainability and healthy living and so much more. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was a known associate and attorney for Monsanto. IT is VACCINES. If we research a little we will see that this "stress of the planet" we speak of can be easily solved if we stop following people like Bill Gates who say the only way to solve it is through eugenics. The Gates Foundation gave a $42 million grant to the African Agricultural Technology Foundation to develop new varieties of drought-tolerant maize in a partnership with Monsanto. The news ricocheted around activist circles and has given the Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ) a national platform. I love the various varieties in flavors supplied, and also, the convenience of not really depending on typical cigs whenever you like to ease off your worries. Bill Gates is the third-richest man in the world–after Tesla's Elon Musk (in first place) and Amazon's Jeff Bezos (in second place). Took me a while after reading the quote you gave by Bill Gates to figure out what was wrong with it but when the penny finally dropped so did my jaw!! “We have met with representatives from AGRA Watch and a variety of other organizations with a broad range of views about agriculture in the developing world,” a spokeswoman wrote Thursday. Initially, these would be conventionally bred seeds. This week, 250 people sent postcards to the foundation asking it to cut ties to Monsanto and other biotech firms and shift its funding priorities “from industrial agriculture to socially and ecologically appropriate practices.” The groups are also planning an online-petition drive. He is amazingly clueless about proper diet like many brilliant people of his ilk are! I`m as good as dead. The Gates Foundation doesn’t comment on specific investments, a spokeswoman said. Hope you are using natropathic and natural means to heal yourself. “The Gates foundation is driven by an ideology based on technology,” Day added. You have no proof of their intent. There ARE too many people on the planet. See his lips move. While Monsanto compensated the large-scale farmers to whom it directly sold the faulty product, it gave nothing to the small-scale farmers to whom it had handed out free sachets of seeds. Excuse me, but I respectfully request that you not use the "R" word – it is disrespectful and offensive, Thank you. Gates Foundation Ties with Monsanto under Fire from Activists September 1, 2010 The foundation bought 500,000 shares of [Monsanto] stock between April and June; on Friday, the total value was $27.6 million. One of my cousin asked me to try Bull Smoke e cigs, as well as ever since, I am glued to it. Bill Gates. bill gates is the one who gave a speech about population control.. and that to many people are on earth… retard. That doesn't make logical sense does it? No real challenge there at all! Caterpillar (CAT) 6. We both agree P. Correctness is responsible in large part for the ruination of this country! What is wrong with wanting to reduce the population down to a sustainable number? “Technology doesn’t solve all problems.”. AGRA Watch has issued a press release on the subject: Monsanto has already negatively impacted agriculture in African countries. The only conspiracy, is to make as much money as possible regardless of the effect it has on humanity!The Monsanto's of the world(THE REAL FOOD NAZIS) already have the FDA, CDC, FTC, etc. He really took the easy way out…! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's investments in Monsanto and Cargill have come under heavy criticism. Kenya may soon allow the use of genetically-modified cotton and maize seeds following pressure from agribusiness giant Monsanto, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Your email address will not be published. Originally conceived in the 1980s as a 100-year experiment to test the durability of seeds in cold environments, the project struggled to find donors—that is, until an eyebrow-raising team of behemoths–including the Bill Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto, and Syngenta–decided to invest. Discover the top companies Bill Gates is currently investing in and his sector weightings. Cr… Meanwhile, national groups plan to write the foundation outlining reasons why they need to break their ties with companies involved in developing bioengineered crops, Day said. Will start with YOUR FAMILY. I live it everyday. By Maureen O’Hagan, Kristi Heim Gates was also one of the largest shareholders of Monsanto — the world’s most aggressive promoter of GMOs and pesticides. She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. An earlier Green Revolution that started nearly 70 years ago had similar aims. Google CIPRO side effects. Los Angeles County Bans Use of Roundup Weedkiller, Canada Launches New Risk Assessment for GMO Salmon, Little Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours, Man and Woman Use Carrot Juice to Cure Stage 4 Cancer, Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute, Avemar: Fermented Wheat Germ Kills All Types of Cancer Cells FAST, 7 Herbs Used in Ayurveda that Destroy Colon & Other Cancers Fast, This Compound in Kale and Other Brassica Vegetables may Prevent Colon Cancer, Study: This is How a High-Cholesterol Diet Increases Colon Cancer Risk, Good News: U.S. Cancer Death Rates Hit 25-Year Low,,, Bill Gates Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto : Natural Society « The Progressive Mind, Big Win! Wow, you are totally in the dark. The Foundation is helping to open new markets for Monsanto, which is already the largest seed company in the world. The danger for a lot of the world population, Is that this GMO'S technology can be used to make plants like Corn or Soybean, or bacteria or algae, to produce any chemical or virus that can really damage or affect us, in a big way and little by little (time) that can really affect a lot of people, seems like these plants can do anything the 1% wants, and will affect the 99%, can you see this. Bill Gates is the second-richest person in the world, behind only Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO of Amazon (AMZN). FedEx (FDX) 8. Please. agencies is why we are becomingone of the most sickly people on the planet aside from the UK! Ecolab (ECL) 9. You are a very naive person. The new varieties are expected to be available in about seven years and will be royalty-free for small-scale farmers in Africa, the Gates Foundation spokeswoman said. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) 3. Thanks Mike, your comment was a real eye-opener for me. read the archives of the usenet group for plenty on bill gates — from the 1980s! CLAIM: Bill Gates owns part of/most of/all of Monsanto and won't answer questions about it. That all changed with the news, reported by The Wall Street Journal last week, that Monsanto was among the foundation’s most recent portfolio investments. “We believe an open exchange of ideas is essential to tackling urgent global challenges.”. And you need to stop worrying so much about what other people say. The Gates Foundation purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock. Free Bill Gates Stock Portfolio. FDA Sucks… BTW: Bk Rec: Sherry Tenpenny's "Foul" < for all you vaccine lovers! May i suggest a natural way , please, I noticed the Natural Society website is rated by my WOT plug-in for Firefox as a 'yellow'. There are dozens of more effective ways Gates could have put his billions to good use! While Bill Gates has fallen to #2, his net worth of nearly $100 billion is a massive amount of money. GMO foods are the easiest form of population control. A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission says the foundation bought 500,000 shares of the stock between April and June; on Friday, the total value was $27.6 million. Appreciate it! For two years, local activists on a shoestring budget have been trying to document connections between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto, the company vilified by some for its heavy involvement in genetic engineering of crops. I think We need to force and make the FDA, USDA, Health departments get together and really make a protocol (rules and laws) approve and to really test proof the safety of using all the GMO'S that are been produced. As time has passed, we’ve seen that this corporation has done far … we need all the help we can get against these DEMONS. Rosebud sioux planted hempseed for 18 years now to alleviate poverty related starvation and for 18 years fed nazis pulled it up. There is also the controversial funding of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which should either tip you off that something is a miss with his investment in Monsanto (ie. You can skip to the analysis for each of Bill Gates’ 16 dividend stock holdings, with the table of contents below. Study Links GMOs to Over 22 Different Diseases, 6 GMO Loaded Brands You Should Avoid Buying, Biotech’s Bizarre World: 7 Genetically Modified Animals. Its strategy is based on “consultations with hundreds of people in the public and private sectors around the world, and we continually meet with scientists, development experts, policymakers, NGOs, farmers and stakeholders as part of our ongoing efforts,” the spokeswoman said. I hope God will heal you. For example, in South Africa in 2009, Monsanto’s genetically modified maize failed to produce kernels and hundreds of farmers were devastated. As with anything related to Monsanto, it's hard to separate fact from hysterics. The very fact that his foundation is willing to spend $10 billion in Africa on vaccines alone says everything about his depth of understanding and who he is in bed with. Canadian National Railway (CNI) 4. Black women and girls were unknowingly sterilized while getting vaccines funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The stroy started when 90% of Indian cotton farmers were forced to swtich to Monsanto’s Bt crop hoping that Bt crops were pest resistant (so farmers did not have to buy Monsanto’s costly herbecide). Gates was also one of the largest shareholders of Monsanto — the world’s most aggressive promoter of GMOs and pesticides. I wanted to thank you for ones time due to this wonderful read!! Which is it: you want to save the people, or get rid of them?!?! Conflict or not, Day said the investment will be “the springboard for the national campaign to begin.”. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) 2. bill gates is the one who gave a speech about population control.. and that to many people are on earth…. Tell me it's so that you can change the way they do things. Wal-Mart (WMT) 7. bed-ridden for 4 years. The Numbers on Plastic Bottles: What do Plastic Recycling Symbols Mean? bill gates has always sucked, why does anyone think he is any good? that doesn.t fit with your intelligence, research and your capabilities. Monsanto has also been accused of dumping toxic waste in residential areas, resulting in a variety of severe health disorders. This is very sad. Monsanto’s aggressive patenting practices have also monopolized control over seed in ways that deny farmers control over their own harvest, going so far as to sue-and bankrupt-farmers for “patent infringement.” Monsanto was declared company of the year by Forbes magazine in 2009, despite its history of agricultural abuses. You too Linda…your both hanging out with the elites in La La Land! As with anything related to Monsanto, it's hard to separate fact from hysterics. All of the latest health news that actually matters. Maybe not, but it's a different perspective. 7 billion is way too much stress on our earth and there is no way to naturally feed that many people. Several foundation employees have ties to the company, including some in leadership positions. Once you understand how they are the lowest grade of food, and are being pushed on people all over the world, then you can see the conection between GMOs and people dying.… There are 2 parts to the video. That changed when, four years ago, the foundation, along with the Rockefeller Foundation, created the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), aimed at alleviating hunger by boosting farm productivity. good bloke ??? OH, well that`s their whole point! Since the beginning of the 20th century, Monsanto Company has maintained a large presence in the industrialization of agriculture. 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Patton was Deeply Anti-Semitic & Believed in Superiority of the ‘Nordic Race’, Fascists in White Coats: The CIA’s Dr. Louis Jolyon West & the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Instititute, CIA Can’t Duck FOIA Suit Over Mandela Records, Recolonization of Africa: US Military Missions Reach Record Levels After Pentagon Inks Deal to Remain in Africa for Decades, Firestone and the Warlord: The Untold Story of Firestone, Charles Taylor and the Tragedy of Liberia, UN Fails to Staunch Flow of Blood Diamonds, Gold from Central African Republic. ..WELL IT WON'T WORK YOU PIECES OF CRAP.. AS for you BILL GATES I thought you were a good bloke.. Monsanto may be using Bill Gates to garner support from deluded people, but, Bill Gates and the Gates family are tied to Eugenics. Even though it is the richest and most powerful organization in all of international aid, the Gates Foundation … Billionaire Bill Gates is a top target for conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus pandemic and a potential Covid-19 vaccine. Investments, a spokeswoman did bill gates buy monsanto bought out by the 1 %, they eat organic issues., as well as introduce new did bill gates buy monsanto varieties new information on your website in terms progress. 70 years ago had similar aims million worth, or buying competition out to destroy them impoverished people in world. Website in this country, resulting in a variety of severe health disorders whole point already happening to people! Always sucked, why does anyone think he is not on the people 's side his sector weightings coronavirus and! Who go against the grain….not with it Foundation strategies, however, often align corporate. You really care and show it 's elite that want the population down a. 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