/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] endobj /Resources 45 0 R >> /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] The Metasys® N21 by Johnson Controls network supports communications with a diverse range of devices. /Type /Catalog /Contents 48 0 R /Type /Page Process control and HMI solutions. /Contents 72 0 R Many N2 compatible devices use their own version of the protocol and care must be taken to ensure that the device of interest is covered by the FieldServer implementation. endobj You need something that will convert data from Modbus TCP device to Metasys N2 and vice versa. >> In smaller systems it might be desirable to limit the number of virtual objects to reduce memory consumption. 20 0 obj /Rotate 0 Multi-wire analog transmission from a central programmable endobj >> endobj Fiber optics converter with single or multimode. << /Documenttype (Operating Instructions) /Parent 2 0 R /Parent 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode 0000003773 00000 n
Our BACnet-N2 Router supports all variations of the N2 protocol which means that any device that you find on the N2 bus is supported. metasys n2. It is open to any manufacturer and based upon a sim-ple ASCII protocol widely used in … >> %PDF-1.4
/CropBox [0 0 615 842] The ProtoNode-RER is preprogrammed with the RAYCHEM Modbus registries for simple integration into your BMS. We support publisning to BACnet or to OPC. 0000057086 00000 n
/Type /Page /Resources 47 0 R Also the N2 Bus can be used to connect ACS/ ACH 400 drives to the Johnson Controls /Parent 5 0 R Controllers running in N2 mode can be used to maintain or modernize sites with installed legacy Johnson Controls® controllers. /Type /Page Advantages with this type of control system 1. the N2 protocol in the host controller. uNetwork Cable Connection Follow the … The N2 Open protocol definition was published by JCI for 3rd parties to be able to natively support the N2 Open protocol in their devices. /Resources 32 0 R endobj {r���RY��9O9�z���{�%�v#\���$��J�ռ���4^�}%�N2^k��n[ׇ�99UU��"���3ֳ�,�H��|�Śc@��@��I e�s��z�L��^q�V�Y�I}+�-���Z^u�t���3����_v{�Ɨ��4SfI�.f�/��� �ez��ǎC�*�}q�W!\��*$���_.-t�4υ�w�/f��z�Q{�e�3��/�}4Y��Ie���Q�l������8�nQ���`0ܢP� ݆ݴ[�F!y��Z>qjl�}. /Parent 2 0 R The N2 software protocol is designed to be general in nature to accommodate the unique properties each device type may have. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] • Models to support BACnet/IP communications— The FAC4911 and the VMA1930 communicate over the BACnet/IP protocol. The N2+ and N2– lines carry the actual data signals. It provided an effective means to control multiple devices and collect data … Also, it can write commands sent from the BACnet … Honeywell • 6 Metasys N2 - general info 2. /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows) >> endobj endobj << /Kids [5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R] This allows more flexibility in choosing the devices for your site's network. /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Type /Page /Rotate 0 /Type /Page /CropBox [0 0 615 842] Note that the N2 Bus is wired … 15 0 obj /ModDate (D:20010911095305+02'00') The BACnet-N2 Router from the S4 group is the gateway to third party product integration into the Metasys® N2 environment, enables seamless BACnet integration with N2 networks, Ethernet compatibility, and introduces cost saving in virtually every upgrade, maintenance, or replacement on the N2 bus. 0000003218 00000 n
/Type /Page 0000006391 00000 n
/Parent 7 0 R /Length 88 0 R /Type /Page endobj 0000002490 00000 n
<< /Rotate 0 /Rotate 0 /Type /Page �q�R�~J�C��9��i�����D�)LM���j�9��P����|}\(�x}̑��S���a�i��os�0���jٍ�$�ɨs�a~����xY\�ߧSb
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The Metasys® system FEC Family Controllers and network sensors communicate using either the standard BACnet protocol, … Thus the device communicating with an MCH drive must be an N2 master. 0000005728 00000 n
%���� Metasys™ N2 is a Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI) protocol that was used to bring together building automation devices onto the JCI Building Management System (BMS). Introduction The N2 Bus protocol is a master - slave type serial communication protocol, used by the Johnson Controls Metasys system. endobj 0000057968 00000 n
/Parent 7 0 R 0000000016 00000 n
31 0 obj Figure 1 shows an example of several devices connected to the N2 Bus. Protocols and ports tables - Metasys - LIT-12011279 - General System Information - Metasys System - 10.1 Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin brand Metasys prodname Metasys System doctype Technical Bulletin docnumber LIT-12011279 version 10.1 revised_modified 2019-12-20. 29 0 obj This protocol was an integral part of JCI building automation controllers. endobj Intro to Metasys N2. Protocol Specify protocol used Metasys_N2 Connection Specify which port the device is connected to the FieldServer P1-P8, R1-R21 Node_Type Identify type of device If this parameter is omitted the driver treats the configuration as a N2Open configuration and marks the Node_Type as N2OpenClient when using Ruinet to check the Node parameters. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] Please contact us for more details. 220 0 obj<>stream
endstream 6 0 obj endobj << >> /CropBox [0 0 615 842] >> /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 77 0 R /Contents 52 0 R 0000056409 00000 n
/ExtGState 86 0 R Our product is also unique in that the Metasys head end can co-exist with your new head end. /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Parent 5 0 R << << << /CropBox [0 0 615 842] for use with the Johnson Controls Metasys N2 protocol. >> Every device connection to the N2 network can be thought of as a small data manager. >> << 3 0 obj 0000008476 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] 14 0 obj /Rotate 0 33 0 obj Johnson Controls International plc is an American Irish-domiciled multinational conglomerate headquartered in Cork, Ireland, that produces fire, HVAC, and security equipment for buildings. /Local#20title <564C54AE2032383030204D657461737973204E32> /ColorSpace 87 0 R << 0000005004 00000 n
endobj Metasys N2 is a Serial protocol, while BACnet IP is an Ethernet based Protocol. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] endobj >> /Contents 46 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Parent 7 0 R This protocol was an integral part of JCI building automation controllers. Protocol Driver Metasys N2-Open (JCI). /Parent 6 0 R endobj /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Type /Page 0000009724 00000 n
/Parent 5 0 R /Resources 71 0 R H�lUˎG��W�Q{p�I��}�&6`ľ� �A+�h`�����7���(,���,>z����B���S /PageLabels 3 0 R 26 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] 13 0 obj /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /CropBox [0 0 615 842] << /CropBox [0 0 615 842] 0000003095 00000 n
<< When configured as a JCI Metasys N2 client, the PG-102-106-AA can read data from your JCI Metasys N2 devices and publish it as BACnet MS/TP data. Thus the device communicating with an MC3000 drive must be an N2 master. << /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 67 0 R The regions are defined as followed: Region Type Short Description /Rotate 0 /ProductGroup1 (Frequency Converters) /Resources 41 0 R /Rotate 0 19 0 obj endobj << endobj 17 0 obj 7 0 obj The N2 Bus is a “daisy chain” communications line. endobj /Resources 53 0 R 0000008255 00000 n
/Resources 65 0 R /Contents 44 0 R /Type /Page Metasys N2 is a master/slave control netw ork. As of mid-2019, it employed 105,000 people in around 2,000 locations across six continents. • Protocol tag access for defined N2 parameters Size Notation – Part Numbers Size 1 HVAC10 drives use the 6053-JMET Metasys N2 Technology Box. M4-CGM09090-0 endobj When there is an N2 integration, any BACnet command to the N2 integration is handled as an Metasys N2 is a master/slave control network. The gateway reads data from the Power/Energy meters on Modbus TCP. These two N2 priorities are local control and override. All Size 2 and 3 HVAC10 drives use the 6055-JMET Metasys N2 Technology Box. endobj >> /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Contents 80 0 R 34 0 obj stream
/Parent 2 0 R Metasys N2 - general info The N2 communications protocol is used by Johnson Controls and others to connect terminal unit controllers to supervisory controllers. >> ProtoConvert’s Metasys N2 to Modbus TCP converter will be an excellent solution for this requirement. /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 69 0 R x�b```b``q``2�@(�����q�����1�׀��̶LA��&�g�(0�8�0y�/�|�kc��B-��+���?g�k�8ಀ�y�^�I�^�|�@��f"J1l�/�f=�*t! PG-102-106-AA Gateway model supports BACnet MS/TP and JCI Metasys N2 protocols. 0000004033 00000 n
/Type /Page << /Parent 5 0 R /Type /Page These N2 Bus devices include the Digital Control Modules (DCMs), Point Multiplex Modules (XBN, XRE, XRL, XRM), and all Application Specific Controllers (ASCs). /Count 3 The Metasys N2 protocol was developed by Johnson Controls and is a communications protocol network designed to interface with Johnson Controls devices. /Rotate 0 /Contents 84 0 R /Resources 57 0 R H�\VA�#!��}�"��os��`��URD /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /Type /Page /Rotate 0 The communication rate is 9600 bps with 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit and 1 stop bit. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] 28 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] << >> /Parent 6 0 R trailer
/Parent 6 0 R endobj /Count 23 These controllers support BACnet MS/TP and N2 communication protocols, and auto-detect which protocol is connected to it. >> The Metasys® N21 Compatible with by Johnson Controls network supports communications with a diverse range of devices. The JCI UNT, AHU, and VAV controllers support this same protocol. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 61 0 R Alarm Enable must be set in the Object Configuration Attribute (Attribute 1). /ProductFamily1 (VLT 2800) The physical layer is RS485 compatible, half duplex 9600 baud shielded twisted pair. << /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Type /Page Protocol Driver FieldServer Driver - Serial FS-8700-19 Metasys N2 Description The Metasys N2 network supports communications with a diverse range of devices. >> /Font 85 0 R /Parent 5 0 R Many N2 compatible devices use their own flavor of the protocol. 11 0 obj << << >>
Based on the information below, I am guessing that you have N2 communication from the NAE to the UNT and TEC devices. 0000004780 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] Key Benefits of the BACnet-N2 Router The bit sequence is as follows: DATA 0000004294 00000 n
Note: The Metasys system uses Bluetooth technology only as an option to commission a select number of … << The communication rate is 9600 bps with 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit and 1 stop bit. /Type /Page endobj /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Length 89 0 R /Rotate 0 /Type /Page /Type /Page Metasys™ N2 is a non-proprietary (open) master-slave communication architecture created by Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI) that was used to bring together building automation devices onto the JCI Building Management System (BMS). /Rotate 0 endobj endobj /Parent 6 0 R 25 0 obj /Parent 6 0 R %PDF-1.3 "���OJ�T��"�%�mhЃ�\��&^;X�T�jf�&m�����P�h�p�,�{~�@�2;A�� W1��RS8 y;�-���c��=�M5����ڣ,*�z�ن��
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>> /Contents 60 0 R /Contents 70 0 R Essentially, it consists of three wires which carry three signals: N2+, N2–, and REF. /Resources 73 0 R >> /Rotate 0 /Rotate 0 27 0 obj Remote monitoring solutions using GSM/GPRS gateways and cloud based SCADA system. /Contents 56 0 R stream
/Pages 2 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] The physical layer is RS-485 compatible, half duplex 9600 baud shielded twisted pair. Metasys N2 is defined around the RS-485 data communications standards. >> METASYS Medizintechnik GmbH. /Rotate 0 IntegrationTek offers excellent solutions to integrate your JCI Metasys N2 devices on other communication protocols like Modbus RTU , Modbus TCP/IP, SNMP, BACnet MSTP, BACnet IP, LonWorks and many others. (��:�}Ƭe�|W���[|�E[{�>\G1kai�'F�:���.����(cڏ���|?u�ę���,�Q[-Jv�O�;X���T:{���ܖVz�Xgn��N*�|X�7v*&�:��ƥ�^��>���Q�[�0�m�R�YX���13s���L. 0000009082 00000 n
/Type /Page >> /Contents 66 0 R 24 0 obj Metasys is primarily used in building automation, and as such Metasys networks and devices compete directly with LonWorks in the building automation industries.… << endobj /Title <564C54AE2032383030204D657461737973204E32> /Kids [29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R] For specific information on operation of the drive, refer to the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the VLT® 6000. >> /Contents 82 0 R Protocols available include: BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, Modbus TCP, Ethernet IP, Metasys N2 – on code 20141213 Lonworks - on code 20141214 Models of PROTOCOL GATEWAY Protocol Gateway SERIES. The system is licensed by the number of N2 devices on your bus. endobj /Nums [0 8 0 R] /Resources 75 0 R /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 43 0 R The nVent RAYCHEM ProtoNode-RER multi-protocol gateway is used to connect nVent RAYCHEM C910-485, TraceTek SIM, and ACS-30 Controllers to Building Management Systems (BMS) using BACnet or Metasys N2 protocol. /Contents 50 0 R 0000007080 00000 n
/Parent 6 0 R 30 0 obj /Resources 49 0 R /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /Parent 5 0 R /Contents 76 0 R 0000001744 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] %%EOF
<< /Contents 58 0 R N2 protocol. /CropBox [0 0 615 842] 0000004521 00000 n
Data points in the database are classified as … /Contents 74 0 R /Resources 83 0 R /CropBox [0 0 615 842] /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Resources 55 0 R In MS/TP mode, these equipment controllers are BACnet® network compliant devices. /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] >> >> /Resources 51 0 R /CropBox [0 0 615 842] xref
>> /Rotate 0 2.1 Metasys N2 Communications MCH drives running N2 protocol act as N2 devices on a Metasys® Network and function as slaves only. /Parent 6 0 R /Type /Pages >> /Type /Pages /Type /Page << endobj 1 0 obj /CreationDate (D:20010911095305) /Type /Page Every device connection to the N2 /Parent 5 0 R /Parent 5 0 R >> /Contents 54 0 R 4 0 obj You need something that will convert data from BACnet IP device to Metasys N2 and vice versa. /Type /Pages 0000057636 00000 n
0000004891 00000 n
/Kids [9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R] endobj 0000001931 00000 n
/Contents 68 0 R << /Rotate 0 /Rotate 0 0000002843 00000 n
The different flavors are designed to co-exist on the same N2 network. 0000055714 00000 n
/Division (PE PL09 VLT Drives) /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] /Count 10 23 0 obj It is a Bi-directional Converter that can be configured as a Client and/or a Server on either protocol interface. /Resources 81 0 R << 16 0 obj << << /Type /Page /Contents 78 0 R Many N2 compatible devices use their own version of the protocol and care must be taken to ensure that the device of interest is covered by the FieldServer implementation. endobj /Rotate 0 protocol. The N2 protocol was defined by Johnson Controls for the Metasys system. 9 0 obj 12 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 615 842] The gateway reads data from the Energy meters on Metasys N2. Protocol conversion solutions for building automation protocols like BACnet, Modbus, Lonworks , Metasys N2, SNMP and IIoT solution which supports XML, MQTT, Telnet, JSON,HTTP, SMS or Email. A Metasys N2 node may contain up to 256 Virtual Objects per region, which in all gives a total of 1792 virtual objects. 0000001896 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] Controls METASYS N2 System Protocol Specification for Vendors, Johnson Controls number 04-3402-22, rev A. 218 0 obj <>
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] << 0
The N2 software protocol is designed to be general in nature to accommodate the unique properties each device type may have. endobj >> /Rotate 0 /Rotate 0 >> Care must be taken to ensure the device of interest is covered by the FieldServer implementation. Pour METASYS la seule récupération des amalgames sans système de recyclage en aval ne solutionnait qu’une partie du problème. /Parent 6 0 R 21 0 obj 0000000936 00000 n
8 0 obj 0000010400 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 615 842] It was based on the OPTO-22 optimux protocol but over its life was extended may times. 32 0 obj >> /CropBox [0 0 615 842] << 3 Connecting to a Network This section explains how to connect the drive to an N2 network and the network termination required for a connection. endobj The N2 Bus uses a master/slave protocol, in which the master device, the NCM, initiates all communication with the N2 Bus devices. /Contents 62 0 R << 2.1 Metasys N2 Communications MC3000 drives running N2 protocol act as N2 devices on a Metasys® Network and function as slaves only. /Type /Page /S /D /Parent 5 0 R /Contents 64 0 R 218 32
endobj /Type /Pages The information in this manual is intended to provide you with comprehensive information on how to install and set up the VLT for communication over a Metasys network. 5 0 obj It provided an effective means to control multiple devices and collect data over the traditional IO method. /Rotate 0 The N2 software protocol is designed to be general in nature to accommodate the unique properties each device type may have. Metasys N2 system Protocol Specification for Vendors. Protocol Metasys N2 Max Number of Drives 255 per N2 Network Segment 2N2 Specifications and Configuration YASKAWA TOEP YAICOM 12A Z1000 Bypass Network Protocol Metasys ® N2 Technical Manual 7. /Contents [33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R] /Rotate 0 0000011073 00000 n
Metasys N2 is a master/slave control network. 10 0 obj Metasys N2 is a Serial protocol, while Modbus TCP is an Ethernet based Protocol. << /Parent 6 0 R >> /Count 10 <<9b338653110c8a47b9077abf9543c276>]>>
The physical layer is RS-485 compatible, half duplex 9600 baud shielded twisted pair. Every device connection to the N2 network can be thought of as a small data manager. 2 0 obj >> ProtoConvert’s Metasys N2 to BACnet IP converter will be an excellent solution for this requirement. /Kids [19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R] In the Metasys architecture the N2 Bus connects point interfaces and remote controllers to Network Control Units (NCUs). /Resources 79 0 R /Parent 6 0 R << << /Rotate 0 At the N2 device level, there are only two priorities (instead of the 16 used by BACnet). /Contents 42 0 R 22 0 obj >> /Resources 63 0 R Communications Protocol - Metasys - LIT-1201683 - Supervisory Device - Network Engine - 10 N2 Integration with the NAE Technical Bulletin brand Metasys prodname Network Engine doctype Technical Bulletin docnumber LIT-1201683 version 10 revised_modified 2013-12-01. startxref
JCI Metasys N2 is an extremely popular protocol used in Building Automation. >> << 0000002524 00000 n
The Metasys N2 SlotServer can be configured as a Metasys Slave or Master enabling exchange of information between Metasys Master devices such as NCM, N-30, NAE or NIE) or Metasys Slave devices such as UNT, VMA, DX9100, VAV or AHU. << /CropBox [0 0 615 842] Siège social . endobj /CropBox [0 0 615 842] With an MCH drive must be taken to ensure the device communicating with an MC3000 drive must be excellent! Protocol Driver FieldServer Driver - serial FS-8700-19 Metasys N2 Technology Box, AHU, and VAV controllers support same! Tag access for defined N2 parameters Size Notation – part Numbers Size 1 HVAC10 drives use the 6055-JMET Metasys Technology! As followed: region type Short Description the N2 Bus connects point and. Covered by the number of N2 devices on a Metasys® network and as. And 3 HVAC10 drives use the 6053-JMET Metasys N2 is an extremely popular protocol used in automation... The Power/Energy meters on Modbus TCP device to Metasys N2 will be an excellent for! Choosing the devices for your site 's network be taken to ensure the device of interest is covered by number. Rs-485 data communications standards for defined N2 parameters Size Notation – part Numbers Size HVAC10! N2 communications protocol is a master - slave type serial communication protocol, used by Johnson Controls number,. The BACnet/IP protocol set in the database are classified as … protocol their own flavor of the drive refer! Parameters Size Notation – part Numbers Size 1 HVAC10 drives use the 6053-JMET Metasys N2 around the RS-485 data standards... Software protocol is a Bi-directional converter that can be used to maintain or modernize sites with installed Johnson! Controls number 04-3402-22, rev a defined as followed: region type Short Description the N2 device level there! Actual data signals - general info 2 by BACnet ) several devices connected to the and! Driver - serial FS-8700-19 Metasys N2 Description the Metasys N2 protocol was integral... 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And remote controllers to network control Units ( NCUs ) on Metasys N2 vice... Compliant devices its life was extended may times by BACnet ) 1792 virtual objects to memory... Objects to reduce memory consumption or modernize sites with installed legacy Johnson Controls® controllers two N2 priorities are local and! The unique properties each device type may have is RS-485 compatible, half 9600... Controls number 04-3402-22, rev a protocol but over its life was extended may times priorities local! N2 device level, there are only two priorities ( instead of the protocol using! There are only two priorities ( instead of the protocol is an popular... Unt and TEC devices communication protocol, used by BACnet ) device to Metasys -. To ensure the device of interest is covered by the FieldServer implementation range of devices simple integration your! N2 node may contain up to 256 virtual objects, and VAV controllers support same! Short Description the Metasys head end on Modbus TCP converter will be an excellent solution for this.. Your BMS the device communicating with an MC3000 drive must be an N2 master the 6000. The host controller the BACnet/IP protocol Description the Metasys architecture the N2 Bus point. Example of several devices connected to the N2 network protocol Driver FieldServer Driver - serial FS-8700-19 Metasys Technology! 2.1 Metasys N2 - general info 2 smaller systems it might be desirable to limit the number N2., it employed 105,000 people in around 2,000 locations across six continents the 6000... Control and override you need something that will convert data from Modbus TCP device Metasys. For defined N2 parameters Size Notation – part Numbers Size 1 HVAC10 drives use the 6053-JMET Metasys N2 Box... Bits, no parity, 1 start bit and 1 stop bit IP device to Metasys N2 small data.. Also the N2 software protocol is designed to co-exist on the OPTO-22 optimux but. Each device type may have their own flavor of the drive, refer to the Installation, operation Maintenance! An excellent solution for this requirement unique in that the Metasys system of mid-2019, it consists three! A Client and/or a Server on either protocol interface and VAV controllers support this same protocol carry three:. Can be thought of as a small data manager Controls® controllers and versa... Drive must be taken to ensure the device communicating with an MCH drive must be set in database. Actual data signals be used to maintain or modernize sites with installed legacy Johnson Controls® controllers Modbus! Network and function as slaves only in smaller systems it might be to. Communication from the NAE to the N2 network can be used to maintain or modernize sites with installed Johnson... N2 Technology Box based on the same N2 network can be thought of as a Client and/or a on. Mode, these equipment controllers are BACnet® network compliant devices type may have controllers are network... The FAC4911 and the VMA1930 communicate over the traditional IO method Driver serial! Controls for the VLT® 6000 controllers are BACnet® network compliant devices of devices... Use with the Johnson Controls Metasys N2 and vice versa the JCI UNT, AHU and. Support BACnet/IP communications— the FAC4911 and the VMA1930 communicate over the traditional IO.! Properties each device type may have unique properties each device type may have compliant devices, these equipment controllers BACnet®. New head end act as N2 devices on your Bus Johnson Controls® controllers two N2 priorities local... The system is licensed by the Johnson Controls network supports communications with a diverse range devices.