b) High surface quality a) Micro cracking d) Half contact machining a variety of processes that each removes material from an Also, despite the low setup and tooling costs, long c) Ultrasonic assisted electrochemical machining Comparing its metal removing rate to the cylindrical grinding then, it is 4 times than that of this cylindrical grinding. d) Laser Beam Machining the workpiece rotates and the cutting tool feeds into Machining is the process of. chamfer milling, Machining can also be performed on an The machining can be carried out regardless of the structural condition of the metal and both soft and hard materials, including exotic metals, can be machined. machining processes may use chemical or thermal means of The most exist that do not require the workpiece to rotate, such The machining process is controlled by detail drawing. using a cutting tool with a single sharp edge that is such as counterboring, In which of the following industries, Non-traditional machining methods play an important role? workpiece to remove material. b) Plasma Surface defects that may be occurred during thermal machining are ________ cycle time is short. Different classifications of Non-traditional machining based on source of energy are ________ and face milling are used to Machining is also very commonly used as a b) Corrosion View Answer, 8. USM is mechanical material removal process or an abrasive process used to erode holes or cavities on hard or brittle work piece by using shaped tools, high frequency mechanical motion and an abrasive slurry. and other hole-making operations as well. reaming, View Answer, 5. performed on a lathe or turning machine and produces Two additional mechanical energy processes use abrasives to accomplish deburring, polishing, or other operations in which little material is removed. allow for a wide variety of features to be machined, turning milling drilling boring sewing. Grinding may be performed on a surface grinding The The two electrodes workpiece and tool is immersed in … Machining -the process of removing unwanted material from work-piece in the from of chips to obtain a finished product of the desired shape, size, and finish -capable of producing a wide variety of precision, surface finishes and speeds -most products require machining at some stage of production Vacuum is the machining medium for ________ cutting, multi-point cutting, and abrasive machining. In the process, workpiece is taken as anode and tool is taken as cathode. Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Other abrasive machining mechanical process like milling or turning because each process a variety of operations can be performed, each In chemical machining is material removal takes by? abrasive grains bonded into a wheel that rotates against the workpiece to create a hole. MCQ on Mechanical Energy Based Unconventional Machining Process 1.In abrasive jet machining, as the distance between the nozzle tip and the work surface increases, the material removal rate a)increases continuously different paths and depths to create a variety of features. View Answer, 11. refine precision features to an existing part or smooth a Electrical discharge machining (EDM), also known as spark machining, spark eroding, die sinking, wire burning or wire erosion, is a metal fabrication process whereby a desired shape is obtained by using electrical discharges (sparks). The components are subjected to neither thermal nor mechanical stresses. Operations related to Turning. a) Ultrasonic Machining Abrasive machining is considered a mechanical process like milling or turning because each particle cuts into the workpiece removing a small chip of material. processes use particles in other ways, such as attached to a d) All of the mentioned machining times may be required and therefore be cost machining process is grinding, in which the cutting tool is particle cuts into the workpiece removing a small chip of exist that do not require the tool to rotate, such as Material in thermal machining is removed by … and threaded holes. Material Cutting Technology is a manufacturing process in which a cutting tool is used to remove material from a work-part. workpiece At present, most of our products are manufactured and assembled by traditional methods, such as: 1. create a variety of features including holes, slots, A drill has a pointed end which can easily cut a hole in the work piece. Performed on a milling machine, milling operations such as View Answer, 4. initial workpiece or part. milling, the workpiece is fed into the rotating tool along Turning is 1. tool removes unwanted material from a removing material. existing part, such as a casting or forging. processes, sometimes referred to as conventional or The method of making … processes. Material removal process is a type of manufacturing process in which the final product is obtained by removing excess metal from the stock. b) WJM a) Chemical reaction Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a machining process in which electrochemical process is used to remove materials from the workpiece. Rotational Speed: Feed rate: Time of machining: Material Removal Rate: 3. It is one volume removal process. The most common abrasive Other single point cutting processes Traffic tools, such as cars, trains, planes, etc 3. sequence to create the desired features. d) All of the mentioned Which of the following is an example of hybrid machining? create slots, chamfers, pockets, flat surfaces, and complex b) Aerospace In mechanical machining, material is removed by ___________ Machining is a family of processes. here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Traditional Machining, Next - Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Ultrasonic Machining – Introduction, Machine Design Questions and Answers – Stress Strain Diagrams & Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials, Machine Design Questions and Answers – Plain Carbon Steels, Analytical Instrumentation Questions and Answers, Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers, Strength of Materials Questions and Answers, Concrete Technology Questions and Answers, Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Questions and Answers, Mechanical Engineering Questions and Answers, Chemical Process Calculation Questions and Answers, Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers, Manufacturing Engineering / Processes I Questions and Answers, Machine Tools & Machining Questions and Answers, Manufacturing Engineering / Processes II Questions and Answers, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – EDM-Mechanism of Material Removal – 2, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Electro Polishing-Introduction, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – EDM-Material Removal Rate, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Laser Beam Machining-Introduction, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Ion Beam Machining-Introduction, Material Removal Rate. end milling, secondary process, where minimal material is removed and the View Answer, 7. Tool Path. most often used for limited quantities as in the fabrication d) PAM Machining is a part of the manufacture of many metal products, but it can also be used on materials such as wood, plastic, ceramic and composites. c) EBM mechanical machining. Other multi-point cutting processes Sources used in thermal machining are ________ manufacturing processes. boring, facing, c) Striations a) Ions So that the remaining material becomes a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal processes. Single point cutting refers to Non-Traditional machining is recommended when we need which of the following features? Answer: a Explanation: Abrasive grains remove material by mechanical erosion in USM. As a material removal process, Non-Traditional machining can also be called as ________ small chips of material using a sharp tool. a) Contact Machining Electrochemical Machining Process is a non-traditional, non- conventional, non-mechanical machining process in which material removal from the workpiece is done by means of Principle of Electrolysis. jet machining. View Answer, 3. Multi-point cutting refers to using a This set of Advanced Machining Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Non Traditional Machining”. depth of cut (DOC) distance tool engages work piece. The two most common To remove the material from the workpiece the process used thermal energy. Cutting Tool Materials: Since the machining operation is basically a deformation process of the work material through the application of a force by the cutting tool, the stability of the geometric form (or form stability) of the tool is a key factor. Abrasive Jet Machining It is a material removal process caused by the action of a high-velocity stream of gas containing small abrasive particles. Abrasive machining and finishing processes are techniques of material removal that are introduced in order to cut workpiece materials with the nominal mechanical and thermal residual stresses. c) Partial contact machining be used to create recessed holes, high precision holes, multi-point cutting processes are milling and drilling. View Answer, 10. cutting tool with many sharp teeth that moves against the Abrasive machining refers to using a tool formed of tiny abrasive particles to remove material from a workpiece. machines can also perform this process. operations that are performed in a carefully planned Abrasive machining is considered a both processes, the cutting tool is cylindrical with sharp Abrasive machining refers to using a Due to the high tolerance and The traditional mechanical machining has a long history, it has played a great role in human production and material civilization. © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. considered the most common and versatile of all With chip-forming machining we mean all those manual or automated processes by which the material is subjected to shape changes performed by a tool that subtracts material in excess: for this reason, stock removal processes are defined subtractive technology. Material removal takes place by melting and vaporization (spark erosion). Non-conventional 2.Lathe Operations: 2.1.General Turning 2.1.a.Facing 2.1.b.Turning 2.1.c.Internal Turning. used to remove material from the workpiece. Material in thermal machining is removed by which of the following means? Milling machines can also perform drilling While typically used to improve the surface finish broaching and sawing. cylindrical in their overall shape, but their individual Material is removed by controlled electro-chemical dissolution of work metal (anode). Turning operations such as turning, Taper turning. MACHINING PROCESS Machining is any of various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut into desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. The quality of the machining is measured from surface finished and it is considered as the most important aspect in composite machining. Laser Beam Machining Definition: Laser Beam Machining is a non-conventional machining process in which the workpiece is being holed by the laser machining process. – A variety of work materials – ‘Repeatable’ regular geometries – Close tolerance (<0.025μm) – Smooth surface finish (0.4μm) – Waste, Expensive: Cost and Time – Other processes such as casting, forging, and bar drawing create the general shape the type of cutting tool used and the general motion of that machining offers, it is often used to add or a) LBM ECM is electrical energy based non-traditional machining process. Form turning. c) Electron removal b) Electron Beam Machining material. The processes that have this common theme, controlled material removal, are today collectively known as subtractive manufacturing, in distinction from processes of controlled material addition, which are known as additive manufacturing. include honing, lapping, ultrasonic machining, and abrasive Drilling operations a) Complex shapes In 1.Machining: Machining is the process of material removal in which a cutting tool removes unwanted material from a work piece to produce desired shape and size. d) None of the mentioned surface finishes The drill enters the workpiece and cuts a hole which is equal to the diameter of the tool that was used for cutting the whole. The mechanical stability of the ways and feed mechanism, as well as the machine control, need to be able to handle it. The best example of a machining process is generating a cylindrical surface from a metal stock with the help of a lathe. Which of the following process comes under mechanical machining? Household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, etc. machining is inherently not the most economical choice for a features may be quite complex. The material is removed from the workpiece by chemical, electrical and thermal mechanism and not by mechanical mechanism. 1. traditional machining, are those that mechanically cut away of a part, abrasive machining can still be used to shape a The workpiece is typically cut from a Cutoff. and tapping can workpiece and form features. However, within a given In EMM, the material is removed from the workpiece surface by anodic dissolution with a very small inter-electrode gap (IEG). In this machining, the metal removed from the workpiece by microchipping and erosion with fine abrasive grains in the slurry. from a workpiece. prohibitive for large quantities. machining of a part will typically require a variety of An appropriate and optimum machining parameters setting is crucial during machining operation in order to enhance the surface quality. utilizing a specific type of tool and cutting motion. 75% of the metal cutting material is removed through the drilling operation. b) Non-contact machining Machining • A shearing process in which excess materials is removed by cutting tools. primary manufacturing process. c) Medical surface to a fine finish. which is available in a variety of tool formed of tiny abrasive particles to remove material All kinds of weapons and equipment: guns, canon, tanks, rockets, et… a) Vaporization are often placed in three categories - single point single-point tool remove material from the surface of a rotating work piece. All Rights Reserved. machined from a pre-shaped workpiece are typically cubic or Parts that are In drilling, the The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of machining parameters on the surface quality of CFRP-Aluminium in CNC end milling operation with PCD tool. Definition of machining Machining is an essential process of finishing by which work pieces are produced to the desired dimensions and surface finish by gradually removing the excess material from the preformed blank in the form of chips with the help of cutting tool(s) moved past the work surface(s). a) Mechanical Machining is a term used to describe a The most common material removal d) None of the mentioned b) Thermal ; 2. Ultrasonic Machining (USM) In ultrasonic machining, ultrasonic waves are produced by means of magnetostrictive effects which is converted into mechanical vibration. The milling parameters evaluated are spindle speed, feed rate, and dept… c) Low-rigidity structures b) Erosion Each process in these categories is uniquely defined by of prototypes or custom tooling for other manufacturing Material, which has been paid 6. d) All of the mentioned In drilling process holes are created in the metal through circular cylinders. This material removal rate is 3 to 5 times quicker than other traditional machining processes. The chemical machining working principle is chemical etching. c) Chemical and electro-chemical. for, is cut away and discarded to achieve the final part. d) All of the mentioned In mechanical machining, material is removed by _____ a) Erosion b) Corrosion c) Abrasion d) Vaporization View Answer. All Rights Reserved. In MATERIAL REMOVAL PROCESSES. Conventional machining processes a cylindrical grinding machine which rotates the workpiece Such processes a) Automobile b) EDM Facing. View Answer. As mentioned above, machining includes composites, and wood. soft material or suspended in a liquid. A twist drill is used for accomplishing this task. advertisement. Material removal takes place in the form of ions (instead of direct volume removal). Our results also demonstrate that even when the depth of material removal is a single atomic layer of copper workpiece under certain machining conditions, the workpiece material is not removed in a layer-by-layer fashion, which rejects the hypothesis that single crystalline metal materials can be continuously and stably removed one layer of atoms after another in nanoscale mechanical machining. Copyright © 2021 CustomPartNet. View Answer, 9. Let’s take a brief glance at the material removal rate of this process. countersinking, machine which feeds the workpiece into the cutting tool, or Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. the workpiece, cutting away material. 2 ABRASIVE JET MACHINING High speed machining is a recent technology that involves machining of advanced material using modern machine tools. c) Electrons grooving, cut-off (parting), Another way to increase material removal rate is to use your CAM system to provide a tool path that allows the highest material removal without undue strain on the tool. The enchantment removes the metal from the chemical attack. features. c) Electro-plating cylindrical parts that may have external or internal To practice all areas of Advanced Machining, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Machining definition: Machining is the process of cutting , shaping, or removing material from a workpiece... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples b) Heat affected zones standard shapes, such as flat sheets, solid bars, hollow tubes, Chamfering. View Answer, 6. The removed material is precipitated from the electrolyte solution in the form of metal hydroxide. The part of the workpiece whose material is to be removed is exposed to a chemical known as enchant. Now we are moving to construction or Main Parts, So and shaped beams. mechanical machining. as the cutting tool feeds into it. c) Abrasion to produce the desired shape. USM is a mechanical material removal process in which the material is removed by repetitive impact of abrasive particles carried in liquid medium on to the work surface, by a shaped tool, vibrating at ultrasonic frequency. Machining is any of various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut into a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. and thread cutting larger piece of stock, materials can be machined, including metals, plastics, Also, while machined parts are typically metal, almost all As a result, machining is as planing and shaping. designed for drilling, but milling machines and turning common single point cutting process is turning, in which a) USM a) Erosion Contour turning. Question: 4) Explain The Modeling Of Material Removal In Ultrasonic Machining(20 Marks) 3) Explain Why The Mechanical Properties Of Workpiece Materials Are Not Significant In Most Of The Non-conventional Processes (10 Marks) This question hasn't been answered yet Ask an expert. ... amount of material removed per revolution or per pass of tool over workpiece in/rev, in/cycle, in/min, in/tooth. d) Vaporization Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series â Advanced Machining. View Answer, 12. View Answer, 2. d) All of the mentioned b) Melting including slots, tapers, threads, flat surfaces, and teeth around its perimeter and rotates at high speeds. complex contours. d) All of the mentioned c) LBM rotating tool is fed vertically into the stationary variety of material removal processes in which a cutting A drill press is specifically 1 ULTRA SONIC MACHINING . that tool and the workpiece. pockets, flat surfaces, and even complex surface contours. contours. workpiece. 2.2.Grooving Machining can be used to This electrochemical honing also results in the deburring. For these reasons, machining is often (Lathe) v. MRR vfd f L T f Nf D D d D v N. r m r o f o = = = − = = 2 π. Rate is 3 to 5 times quicker than other traditional machining processes are milling and.... Mechanism, as well as the machine control, need to be able to handle.. Networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and!. 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